People said,
Whenever you're in misery and caught into problems, you always have Allah to help you.
Just pray and make changes.
Friday, November 25
Sunday, November 20
Nazar ?
Pernah Bernazar ?
Tahu tak nazar tu apa dalam Islam ?
Okay, I pernah jugak bernazar a few times before,
but tak pernah mendapat lah,
but this time alhamdulillah Allah sempurnakan,
Jadi tu lah mencari pasal hukum and bagaimana nak langsaikan Nazar :)
So, here we go. Just for sharing, Ilmu Allah kannnn?
Memenuhi nazar adalah wajib hukumnya. Selama nadzar tersebut berupa ketaatan kepada Allah SWt. dalam sabda Rasulullah Saw:
من نذر أن يطيع الله فليطعه ومن نذر أن يعصيه فلا يعصه (رواه البخاري ومسلم
Barang siapa yang bernadzar untuk taat kepada Allah, maka hendaklah mentaati-Nya, dan barang siapa yang bernadzar untuk bermaksiat kepada Allah, maka janganlah ia bermaksiat kepadaNya (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim).
Nazar merupakan suatu janji yang kita buat kepada Allah dalam membuat suatu kebaikan,
by mean when you wanting to gain for something,
you had said that if you get 'em, you'll be fasting for few days.
So, it some kind a promise to Allah.
Dari segi istilah syarak ialah mewajibkan diri untuk melakukan sesuatu kebaikan dengan menyebut nama Allah.
Contohnya: "Dengan nama Allah sekiranya aku berjaya aku berjanji berpuasa selama sehari.
It'll only be as Nazar if we said it out. If it is just terdetik di hati, it's not consider as Nazar. Nazar somehow is what the promise you made, you have to do.
So, lets say if you said, " Aku bernazar akan berpuasa selama seminggu berturut-turut" you need to straightly fasting for a week.
If you usually, just said, " Aku bernazar akan berpuasa selama seminggu."
It not necessary for yo to be fasting in a row of days, but you can fast whenever you could but the best to be fasting on Monday and Thursday.
but remember, you MUST made your words because you're promising Allah. Get it?
but how if you just can't afford to make em ?
Islam itu sungguh mudah, here another ways :
Mereka yang menarik balik nazar atau tidak mampu melakukannya hendaklah membayar kifarat nazar, iaitu
(1) member! makan 10 orang miskin, atau
(2) memberi pakaian kepada 10 orang miskin atau
(3) memerdekakan hamba.
Sekiranya tidak mampu hendaklah berpuasa tiga hari (al-Ma-idah (5): 89).
Oh, some more. Since puasa nazar ni puasa wajib so kena lah buat berasingan dengan puasa yang lain :)
So for those who are bernazar, cepat cepatlah bayar okay :)
That's it for tonight.
If I'm making mistakes, please correct me cause ilmu Allah ni kena tepat dan betul.
May Allah bless you, dear creatures :)
Tahu tak nazar tu apa dalam Islam ?
Okay, I pernah jugak bernazar a few times before,
but tak pernah mendapat lah,
but this time alhamdulillah Allah sempurnakan,
Jadi tu lah mencari pasal hukum and bagaimana nak langsaikan Nazar :)
So, here we go. Just for sharing, Ilmu Allah kannnn?
Memenuhi nazar adalah wajib hukumnya. Selama nadzar tersebut berupa ketaatan kepada Allah SWt. dalam sabda Rasulullah Saw:
من نذر أن يطيع الله فليطعه ومن نذر أن يعصيه فلا يعصه (رواه البخاري ومسلم
Barang siapa yang bernadzar untuk taat kepada Allah, maka hendaklah mentaati-Nya, dan barang siapa yang bernadzar untuk bermaksiat kepada Allah, maka janganlah ia bermaksiat kepadaNya (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim).
Nazar merupakan suatu janji yang kita buat kepada Allah dalam membuat suatu kebaikan,
by mean when you wanting to gain for something,
you had said that if you get 'em, you'll be fasting for few days.
So, it some kind a promise to Allah.
Dari segi istilah syarak ialah mewajibkan diri untuk melakukan sesuatu kebaikan dengan menyebut nama Allah.
Contohnya: "Dengan nama Allah sekiranya aku berjaya aku berjanji berpuasa selama sehari.
It'll only be as Nazar if we said it out. If it is just terdetik di hati, it's not consider as Nazar. Nazar somehow is what the promise you made, you have to do.
So, lets say if you said, " Aku bernazar akan berpuasa selama seminggu berturut-turut" you need to straightly fasting for a week.
If you usually, just said, " Aku bernazar akan berpuasa selama seminggu."
It not necessary for yo to be fasting in a row of days, but you can fast whenever you could but the best to be fasting on Monday and Thursday.
but remember, you MUST made your words because you're promising Allah. Get it?
but how if you just can't afford to make em ?
Islam itu sungguh mudah, here another ways :
Mereka yang menarik balik nazar atau tidak mampu melakukannya hendaklah membayar kifarat nazar, iaitu
(1) member! makan 10 orang miskin, atau
(2) memberi pakaian kepada 10 orang miskin atau
(3) memerdekakan hamba.
Sekiranya tidak mampu hendaklah berpuasa tiga hari (al-Ma-idah (5): 89).
Oh, some more. Since puasa nazar ni puasa wajib so kena lah buat berasingan dengan puasa yang lain :)
So for those who are bernazar, cepat cepatlah bayar okay :)
That's it for tonight.
If I'm making mistakes, please correct me cause ilmu Allah ni kena tepat dan betul.
May Allah bless you, dear creatures :)
Saturday, November 19
You see Green ?
Good Morning Dear Wall,
Are you crack today ?
Baahhhh, A month before I never ever woke up this early on Saturday.
But now, I have to. Need to be awake early everyday which is Monday to Saturday because I have CLASSES. :|
Talking bout classes, Who on earth just love to wake early in the morning just to go to class? I bet 60% would say NO :) but for morning people, it maybe a YES for youuuuu.
I just don't get it, I'm not a morning person but I have a dream to be one.
I have MORNING and EVENING classes which are more to practical and lab session.

*See the timetable, you would just know how busy I'll be*
Those subjects are more deeply in agricultural and food :)
Talking bout food, we'll do cooking this semester and that'll be just fun even we are not-so-good-in-cooking :D
So who's gonna be the Master Chef of DPPM ? mihmihmih
Umm, What to talk today ouh Wall ?
Okay let me just briefly tell you bout my course I'm taking now because lots of people will just misunderstanding it and look down upon it. *Tak baik betul*
This course is among the important courses in world nowadays, see the medical,law and maybe architect would be list as the most important courses but if you see widely, agricultural is kinda important because we need those trees and animals for our cycle of life. Agricultural is more to produce sources of food. See, how just FOOD is important to you ? If you said it is not important to you, Don't eat and go die.
My course is Food Estate Management in University Putra Malaysia, Kampus Bintulu Sarawak which we provide the managing skills in business of agricultural as tho we will make food from our own estate. Is that explain enuff to you ? I knew, you would be just confuse why me taking this as my choice in life ?
This is because I have a guts that said I need this because it's important in the future. Hello, I used to have a dream to be a Psychologist, Dealing with human beings but there's a reasons why Allah said that I need this :)
I don't deny these subjects might be hard but it's not that hard compared to medical student who struggling to the end of their blood in medication. Hahaha
You just need to have a green heart because the experiences you might get are magical and you would never get them anywhere but just in this course. :)
*Good enuff with promoting,:D*
So Juniors and Future Juniors, you'll not regret of taking this course because it is so valuable and great yet having those 'magical' experiences. You need to be tough.
Far from home, you just need to be friend with Mr Sun, Mr Sweat, Mr Mosq and those geligeli stuff :) It's more challenging if you think there are !
Let your stomach full for lunch,
Are you crack today ?
Baahhhh, A month before I never ever woke up this early on Saturday.
But now, I have to. Need to be awake early everyday which is Monday to Saturday because I have CLASSES. :|
Talking bout classes, Who on earth just love to wake early in the morning just to go to class? I bet 60% would say NO :) but for morning people, it maybe a YES for youuuuu.
I just don't get it, I'm not a morning person but I have a dream to be one.
I have MORNING and EVENING classes which are more to practical and lab session.

*See the timetable, you would just know how busy I'll be*
Those subjects are more deeply in agricultural and food :)
Talking bout food, we'll do cooking this semester and that'll be just fun even we are not-so-good-in-cooking :D
So who's gonna be the Master Chef of DPPM ? mihmihmih
Umm, What to talk today ouh Wall ?
Okay let me just briefly tell you bout my course I'm taking now because lots of people will just misunderstanding it and look down upon it. *Tak baik betul*
This course is among the important courses in world nowadays, see the medical,law and maybe architect would be list as the most important courses but if you see widely, agricultural is kinda important because we need those trees and animals for our cycle of life. Agricultural is more to produce sources of food. See, how just FOOD is important to you ? If you said it is not important to you, Don't eat and go die.
My course is Food Estate Management in University Putra Malaysia, Kampus Bintulu Sarawak which we provide the managing skills in business of agricultural as tho we will make food from our own estate. Is that explain enuff to you ? I knew, you would be just confuse why me taking this as my choice in life ?
This is because I have a guts that said I need this because it's important in the future. Hello, I used to have a dream to be a Psychologist, Dealing with human beings but there's a reasons why Allah said that I need this :)
I don't deny these subjects might be hard but it's not that hard compared to medical student who struggling to the end of their blood in medication. Hahaha
You just need to have a green heart because the experiences you might get are magical and you would never get them anywhere but just in this course. :)
*Good enuff with promoting,:D*
So Juniors and Future Juniors, you'll not regret of taking this course because it is so valuable and great yet having those 'magical' experiences. You need to be tough.
Far from home, you just need to be friend with Mr Sun, Mr Sweat, Mr Mosq and those geligeli stuff :) It's more challenging if you think there are !
Let your stomach full for lunch,
Thursday, November 17
What songs define you ?
Many of student especially, LOVE MUSIC ! Sometimes, they need them to cheer their life even to be focus in study. Earpieces and headphones are like a new IC to them since they listen them like every second.
So, what does music relate to you?
I know you have a long playlist of your songs that might have a deep meaning in your life, right? I have em too. mihmihmih
So let's listen to em. I have 205 songs. :)
*Having a good moment right now, Done with revising. Now chilling*
I just filling up my time to play with this stupid game.
What 30 songs in my playlist I listen to now related to me, my life :) ?
Start now :
1. Only Girl in the world, Rihanna
phewww, obviously if you, you wanna it too,right girl ?
but in love definately,
I want you to treat me like I'm the only girl in your world. :)
but I have no one. That's would be funny. Sokay, waiting and searching for Mr. Right !
2. I'm Alive, Celin Dion
This song would gimme the spirit whenever I feel down, How I suffered the pain and stress, I feel that I'm alive when I have you. FAMILY and Friends :)
3. Parachute, Cheryl Cole
This is my alarm clock tone for semester 3, Thanks for waking me up every morning thus I hate to listen to you everyday ! Any other meaning ? I not-really-like-this-song cause of that it have been as my alarm clock tone. :D
4. Munajat Cinta, The Rock ft Ahmad Dani
Obviously, "Tuhan kirimkanlah aku kekasih yang baik hati, yang mencintai aku, apa adanya"
So, every time I listen to this I pray that I need a good husband in my marriage.
Think too far? Yes, we have because time never can be too slow. :)
5. Kekasih gelapku, Ungu
Omigod, This is a killer song to me. Especially the intro ! you know what. Everytime I listen to the intro, damnn I melt *kenyit mata* . Any kekasih gelap ? yes, too many. But this song remind me to Fad. I love you the way you are, dolo dolo lah :)
sekarang sayang angat angat macam besties je nothing more :)
6. Today My Life Begin, Bruno Mars
Hehe today my life begin, new song in playlist but this is full of good positive spirit. It's like, don't give up hope cause nothing that we couldn't change in life because everyday is where our life begin. Listen yaww :) Happiness will find us.
7. Dari jauhku pohon ampun, Sudirman
hahaha, jarang jarang dia shuffle. Sekarang pulak :D
Okay fine this is among my fave lagu raya because it relating to myself.
Far away from family. Banyak dosa. Need keampunan. Cannot be with family selalu.
Tak macam korang, setiap minggu balik *baling pasu bunga* JEALOUS nyah!
8. Yank, Wali Band
Hahaha. Lagu yang selalu dikaraoke-kan :D
Oh, ingat lagu ni nanyi dengan Naz dalam kereta ontheway balik from genting with the boys and have deep meaning. Hoyyy, jangan nak pasang banyak sangat okay, awak :)
"masih pantaskah kau kupanggil sayang?" - Love that lyric, too much !
9. Your Mother, Yusuf Islam
Siapa yang tak suke lagu ni? You don't deserve to be in this world.
I love my mother after Allah because who next ?
Altho I honestly said that I'm not that close to my mother because sometimes I just hate the way she is, Her annoying habits *just me know it* but however, that's the fact that I love and need her because she's my mother. Thank you Allah !
10. Jar of Hearts, Christina Perri
Favorite song !
"Who do you think you are?"
I love the voice,music and lyrics too much, means a lot to me for that someone.
Hey listen to this F, Don't be regret since I have no heart to you ANYMORE !
11. If I were a boy
Another favorite song ! mih mih mih
I honestly love the song, since boys doesn't understand us, the girls :)
but what to do, they're boys and this is the reality of life.
Boys doesn't even know how we feel inside, right girls?
but I never have the intention to be a boy, Tomboy ?
haha but I believe all the tomboys agreed with this song :)
Hey boys, can you swear to be a better man ?
12. Firework, Katy Perry
Positive song because it said that, " baby, you're a firework!"
Fireworks means lot to life ! Cheerful and nothing in life would make you down.
Sometimes, I'll skip this song sebab entah ikut mood . :D
because you just need to let it shine, girls !
13. Tentang Aku, Dia dan kamu, Kangen Band
Hehe. Just another song in playlist but if have mood suka dengar. Meaning, mood yang emoemo tu, hehe.
This song is like to choose between Dia dan Kamu ?
Eventually, I faced this like lots of time but usually I'll choose kamu but now kamu dah gone baby gone, so I do regret that I cannot have another chances to choose Dia.
"kau tuliskan cerita tentang kau dan dia, membuat aku semakin terluka" which at the end the relationship with kamu end up.
14. Almost Lover, Fine Frenzy
Haihhh asal lagu malam ni semua macam -____________-"
Okay lagu Almost lover ni kannnn, banyak kali describe me when I can't stand the relationship with that almost lover and at the end, end up to be Teman tapi mesra :)
I cried once listening to this song, years ago kenapa tah, Emoemo. Haaa Ingat dah, This song I teringat masa zaman form 4 or 5 masa dengan Hafiz. Siapa Hafiz tu ?
The man I used to fall but kejap sangat sangat pastu hilang je perasaan tu dan orang tu. "Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dreams"
Listen to em is you want to.
15. Ruang Rindu, Letto
HEHE favorite. Tenangkan dengar lagu ni sebab music die very simple and soft. Mendayu dayu and I mesti teringat Naz sebab dia suka nyanyi lagu ni dikala takda lagu disekeliling. Kannnn? Haa lagu ni sangat kejap. 1.13 minit je. :)
Hello, I rinduuuuu semua orang dekat. "Di ruang rindu kita bertemu "
16. Aku bukan Untukmu, Zaf & Lah VE
ohmigodddd, This pun among my favorite lagu sebab touching habis dengar lagu ni.
Ada makna ni hehe :)I used to say to my almost lover, Aku bukan untukmu. Then bila dorang blah, I mulalah "Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku disaat aku mengharapkan aku", Sucks tak ? Sorry lelaki, wanita ini memang macam gini. *baling kasut dekat dia*
I love this version more than Rossa sebab lelaki nyanyi lagu macam ni suweeeet tau :)
17. Melodi Cinta, Aizat
Just another song in playlist. Like-ing the music and lyric. Btw, I just love balade songs. No doubt. but others would be really fun to listen :)
"kau harus fahami kutiada disisi,
bertahanlah lagi saat kau sendiri,
Biarpun jauh beribu batu,
jangan disangsikan cinta suci, kasihku"
18. I kissed a Girl, Katy Perry
Lagu lama kan? but It's would never be LAME because music just making you alive. Hehe
I in love with Katy Perry, used to lah. Sebab kebanyakkan lagu dia semua unik :)
More to gays and lesbian. hahaha but who cares, it's a totally unique. But my fave hits is Thinking of you, see still lagu curang curang kannnn? :)
Have you kissed a girl ? I did. Hahahahahaha and I like it.Hope my future boyfriend don't mind it. *baling bantal*
19. Suara Kuberharap, Hijau
Lagu-lagu indonesia ni Yusnita lah yang banyak ajar. Lots of the songs that having a good lyrics but this one just not my fave. Just another songs in Playlist.
20. Only Exception, Paramore
Among paramore's hits, I love this because semua lagu paramore dalam playlist ni yang boleh buat alarm clock tone hahaha only this NOT :)*bisingggggg lah,prffff*
See the lyrics, it tells about a life. Lovin' it !
21. Kabhi Khushi khabie Gham
Hahahaha, Don't laugh ! Suka hatilahhh nak simpan lagu hindustan.
Okay, Definately I love hindustan not only the songs but the dramas because it's alive. The complete story of life, sometimes. The tears will freely dropped without any precaution. Hahaha, They are good story tellers. :) Oh and and, with the songs kadang kadang phewww just loving it except the dancing part, Kalau lama sangat boleh muntah tengok. Hahaha :D *cepatkan sebab lagu ni lama sangat*
22. My heart, Irwansyah & Acha Septriasa
I love this kind of movie and the song, just match my taste of hearing :)
You know what, dulu I have dream macam ni. I nak sing and play guitar with this song to someone yang I sayang, tapi belum lagi kot. Guitar pun tak reti main and suara pun macam mangkuk jamban je. Hahahaha :D oh, sweet kan this song ?
23. Kimia, Imelda
Oh, this song is really sweet for one who is just falling in love. Love this because it's cuteeeeee :) Oh, I think I dengar from Damia kot.
and the lyrics pun sangat comel.
24. Just The Way You Are, Bruno Mars
Used to like it but Now so-so. But girls, this song kalau orang dedicate dekat me surely I appreciate sebab I tak tahu pun I amazing. Hahahaha :D *baling kasut*
Just nice untuk you nak mengorat ye, boys ?
25. Mr. Brightside, The killers
Just another song in playlist :) Nice to listen.
Hey Mr. Brightside, come on don't hide !
Eh, just for you to know I love hardcore esp layaaannnn time stress, cause it's just rawksssss ! :)
26. 1234, Plain White T's
Just an old song that nice to listen. Hey friends, this song would be for you.
Especially dedicate to Nazlia and Mok !
1 way 2 say 3 words 4 you, I LOVE YOU !
27. Orang Bilang, Wali
Just another song yang I suke listen. Oh jangan asyik bilang sayang dengan kata-kata sahaja, tapi orang bilang kata kamu tak sayang :) Love one you love sincerely, :)
28. Count on Me, Bruno Mars
Friends, this is for you jugak. oh, I love Bruno Mars too :)
"I can count on you like 432, you be there because that's what friends suppose to do"
29. My heart will go on, Celine Dion
ouch, This song really stucked in my heart. Baru je lepas karok haritu dengan Naz :)
The meaning and music, Ingat titanic yang boleh buat tear drop jugak ! :D
30. Mr. Saxobeat, Alexandra Stan
Hehehe. Just can't hear the beats :D macam nak goncangkan badan kuat kuat *baling kuali* hehe :) Favorite *
Thanks for scrolling down, at least your attempt to know me have meet the success :)
You know how my heart which relating to the music. I live with full of meaning, Life without heart is meaningless :)
Ouh, you know what the best song you have to listen?
Ayat- ayat Al- quran and Salawat :)
That's would make your heart better than just now. So try to listen to them okay,
Not a big loss pun, Pahal pun dapat.
So, what's your music.
That's for tonight.
My playlist dah penat, another 175 songs to play ?
damnnnn I nak sleeeeeep, toodless :)
Good night Music's lovers !
So, what does music relate to you?
I know you have a long playlist of your songs that might have a deep meaning in your life, right? I have em too. mihmihmih
So let's listen to em. I have 205 songs. :)
*Having a good moment right now, Done with revising. Now chilling*
I just filling up my time to play with this stupid game.
What 30 songs in my playlist I listen to now related to me, my life :) ?
Start now :
1. Only Girl in the world, Rihanna
phewww, obviously if you, you wanna it too,right girl ?
but in love definately,
I want you to treat me like I'm the only girl in your world. :)
but I have no one. That's would be funny. Sokay, waiting and searching for Mr. Right !
2. I'm Alive, Celin Dion
This song would gimme the spirit whenever I feel down, How I suffered the pain and stress, I feel that I'm alive when I have you. FAMILY and Friends :)
3. Parachute, Cheryl Cole
This is my alarm clock tone for semester 3, Thanks for waking me up every morning thus I hate to listen to you everyday ! Any other meaning ? I not-really-like-this-song cause of that it have been as my alarm clock tone. :D
4. Munajat Cinta, The Rock ft Ahmad Dani
Obviously, "Tuhan kirimkanlah aku kekasih yang baik hati, yang mencintai aku, apa adanya"
So, every time I listen to this I pray that I need a good husband in my marriage.
Think too far? Yes, we have because time never can be too slow. :)
5. Kekasih gelapku, Ungu
Omigod, This is a killer song to me. Especially the intro ! you know what. Everytime I listen to the intro, damnn I melt *kenyit mata* . Any kekasih gelap ? yes, too many. But this song remind me to Fad. I love you the way you are, dolo dolo lah :)
sekarang sayang angat angat macam besties je nothing more :)
6. Today My Life Begin, Bruno Mars
Hehe today my life begin, new song in playlist but this is full of good positive spirit. It's like, don't give up hope cause nothing that we couldn't change in life because everyday is where our life begin. Listen yaww :) Happiness will find us.
7. Dari jauhku pohon ampun, Sudirman
hahaha, jarang jarang dia shuffle. Sekarang pulak :D
Okay fine this is among my fave lagu raya because it relating to myself.
Far away from family. Banyak dosa. Need keampunan. Cannot be with family selalu.
Tak macam korang, setiap minggu balik *baling pasu bunga* JEALOUS nyah!
8. Yank, Wali Band
Hahaha. Lagu yang selalu dikaraoke-kan :D
Oh, ingat lagu ni nanyi dengan Naz dalam kereta ontheway balik from genting with the boys and have deep meaning. Hoyyy, jangan nak pasang banyak sangat okay, awak :)
"masih pantaskah kau kupanggil sayang?" - Love that lyric, too much !
9. Your Mother, Yusuf Islam
Siapa yang tak suke lagu ni? You don't deserve to be in this world.
I love my mother after Allah because who next ?
Altho I honestly said that I'm not that close to my mother because sometimes I just hate the way she is, Her annoying habits *just me know it* but however, that's the fact that I love and need her because she's my mother. Thank you Allah !
10. Jar of Hearts, Christina Perri
Favorite song !
"Who do you think you are?"
I love the voice,music and lyrics too much, means a lot to me for that someone.
Hey listen to this F, Don't be regret since I have no heart to you ANYMORE !
11. If I were a boy
Another favorite song ! mih mih mih
I honestly love the song, since boys doesn't understand us, the girls :)
but what to do, they're boys and this is the reality of life.
Boys doesn't even know how we feel inside, right girls?
but I never have the intention to be a boy, Tomboy ?
haha but I believe all the tomboys agreed with this song :)
Hey boys, can you swear to be a better man ?
12. Firework, Katy Perry
Positive song because it said that, " baby, you're a firework!"
Fireworks means lot to life ! Cheerful and nothing in life would make you down.
Sometimes, I'll skip this song sebab entah ikut mood . :D
because you just need to let it shine, girls !
13. Tentang Aku, Dia dan kamu, Kangen Band
Hehe. Just another song in playlist but if have mood suka dengar. Meaning, mood yang emoemo tu, hehe.
This song is like to choose between Dia dan Kamu ?
Eventually, I faced this like lots of time but usually I'll choose kamu but now kamu dah gone baby gone, so I do regret that I cannot have another chances to choose Dia.
"kau tuliskan cerita tentang kau dan dia, membuat aku semakin terluka" which at the end the relationship with kamu end up.
14. Almost Lover, Fine Frenzy
Haihhh asal lagu malam ni semua macam -____________-"
Okay lagu Almost lover ni kannnn, banyak kali describe me when I can't stand the relationship with that almost lover and at the end, end up to be Teman tapi mesra :)
I cried once listening to this song, years ago kenapa tah, Emoemo. Haaa Ingat dah, This song I teringat masa zaman form 4 or 5 masa dengan Hafiz. Siapa Hafiz tu ?
The man I used to fall but kejap sangat sangat pastu hilang je perasaan tu dan orang tu. "Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dreams"
Listen to em is you want to.
15. Ruang Rindu, Letto
HEHE favorite. Tenangkan dengar lagu ni sebab music die very simple and soft. Mendayu dayu and I mesti teringat Naz sebab dia suka nyanyi lagu ni dikala takda lagu disekeliling. Kannnn? Haa lagu ni sangat kejap. 1.13 minit je. :)
Hello, I rinduuuuu semua orang dekat. "Di ruang rindu kita bertemu "
16. Aku bukan Untukmu, Zaf & Lah VE
ohmigodddd, This pun among my favorite lagu sebab touching habis dengar lagu ni.
Ada makna ni hehe :)I used to say to my almost lover, Aku bukan untukmu. Then bila dorang blah, I mulalah "Sekarang kau tinggalkan aku disaat aku mengharapkan aku", Sucks tak ? Sorry lelaki, wanita ini memang macam gini. *baling kasut dekat dia*
I love this version more than Rossa sebab lelaki nyanyi lagu macam ni suweeeet tau :)
17. Melodi Cinta, Aizat
Just another song in playlist. Like-ing the music and lyric. Btw, I just love balade songs. No doubt. but others would be really fun to listen :)
"kau harus fahami kutiada disisi,
bertahanlah lagi saat kau sendiri,
Biarpun jauh beribu batu,
jangan disangsikan cinta suci, kasihku"
18. I kissed a Girl, Katy Perry
Lagu lama kan? but It's would never be LAME because music just making you alive. Hehe
I in love with Katy Perry, used to lah. Sebab kebanyakkan lagu dia semua unik :)
More to gays and lesbian. hahaha but who cares, it's a totally unique. But my fave hits is Thinking of you, see still lagu curang curang kannnn? :)
Have you kissed a girl ? I did. Hahahahahaha and I like it.Hope my future boyfriend don't mind it. *baling bantal*
19. Suara Kuberharap, Hijau
Lagu-lagu indonesia ni Yusnita lah yang banyak ajar. Lots of the songs that having a good lyrics but this one just not my fave. Just another songs in Playlist.
20. Only Exception, Paramore
Among paramore's hits, I love this because semua lagu paramore dalam playlist ni yang boleh buat alarm clock tone hahaha only this NOT :)*bisingggggg lah,prffff*
See the lyrics, it tells about a life. Lovin' it !
21. Kabhi Khushi khabie Gham
Hahahaha, Don't laugh ! Suka hatilahhh nak simpan lagu hindustan.
Okay, Definately I love hindustan not only the songs but the dramas because it's alive. The complete story of life, sometimes. The tears will freely dropped without any precaution. Hahaha, They are good story tellers. :) Oh and and, with the songs kadang kadang phewww just loving it except the dancing part, Kalau lama sangat boleh muntah tengok. Hahaha :D *cepatkan sebab lagu ni lama sangat*
22. My heart, Irwansyah & Acha Septriasa
I love this kind of movie and the song, just match my taste of hearing :)
You know what, dulu I have dream macam ni. I nak sing and play guitar with this song to someone yang I sayang, tapi belum lagi kot. Guitar pun tak reti main and suara pun macam mangkuk jamban je. Hahahaha :D oh, sweet kan this song ?
23. Kimia, Imelda
Oh, this song is really sweet for one who is just falling in love. Love this because it's cuteeeeee :) Oh, I think I dengar from Damia kot.
and the lyrics pun sangat comel.
24. Just The Way You Are, Bruno Mars
Used to like it but Now so-so. But girls, this song kalau orang dedicate dekat me surely I appreciate sebab I tak tahu pun I amazing. Hahahaha :D *baling kasut*
Just nice untuk you nak mengorat ye, boys ?
25. Mr. Brightside, The killers
Just another song in playlist :) Nice to listen.
Hey Mr. Brightside, come on don't hide !
Eh, just for you to know I love hardcore esp layaaannnn time stress, cause it's just rawksssss ! :)
26. 1234, Plain White T's
Just an old song that nice to listen. Hey friends, this song would be for you.
Especially dedicate to Nazlia and Mok !
1 way 2 say 3 words 4 you, I LOVE YOU !
27. Orang Bilang, Wali
Just another song yang I suke listen. Oh jangan asyik bilang sayang dengan kata-kata sahaja, tapi orang bilang kata kamu tak sayang :) Love one you love sincerely, :)
28. Count on Me, Bruno Mars
Friends, this is for you jugak. oh, I love Bruno Mars too :)
"I can count on you like 432, you be there because that's what friends suppose to do"
29. My heart will go on, Celine Dion
ouch, This song really stucked in my heart. Baru je lepas karok haritu dengan Naz :)
The meaning and music, Ingat titanic yang boleh buat tear drop jugak ! :D
30. Mr. Saxobeat, Alexandra Stan
Hehehe. Just can't hear the beats :D macam nak goncangkan badan kuat kuat *baling kuali* hehe :) Favorite *
Thanks for scrolling down, at least your attempt to know me have meet the success :)
You know how my heart which relating to the music. I live with full of meaning, Life without heart is meaningless :)
Ouh, you know what the best song you have to listen?
Ayat- ayat Al- quran and Salawat :)
That's would make your heart better than just now. So try to listen to them okay,
Not a big loss pun, Pahal pun dapat.
So, what's your music.
That's for tonight.
My playlist dah penat, another 175 songs to play ?
damnnnn I nak sleeeeeep, toodless :)
Good night Music's lovers !
Stuck STUCK stuck !
Hello Internet,
Omigod dear U-spot please be active. I need you too much :)
Oh hey, I'm here in Bintulu for almost 3 days already.
I feel simply awkward these days because something had changed.
Someone had gone so it feel a little empty here and there.
I feel like I'm lost and losing something, maybe it's a TIME.
I could be in a complete silent for a whole day because I have a limit connection here.
But I don't really care, hmmp I care too much actually !
Hello, posibility for me to die is high if I'm not talking and sharing with others.
It would be like, killing me softly. :|
But however, I feel so calm and having a spirit to start everything new.
To be new in heart and mentally even if I could, physically :) *I wish*
I don't know why, but I feel relax and feel like everything gonna be just alright.
and Hello, Mr Allergic had go away and now waiting for it to fully recover.
You know what?
This is the new semester and I just don't want to put my spirit down.
I need to struggle again to fight for this Semester.
Dear Allah, I'm begging you please make it easy even in a hard time. :) I love you.
I just need to strike the best and be good to everyone.
10 things I need to do this semester :
1. Stay focus on what I want to do and to be : "TNC List ? DL ?"
2. Be silent but happily enjoying my life here, "so far friends here are good :)"
3. Don't nag for anything and don't hear from anyone. "because You just have to be grateful, you have dear Allah :)"
4. Don't pick a fight with anybody but settle everything in a mature ways. "be mature enuff and deal with BRAIN!"
5. Do your assignments and tests even final with joy, success, patiently and sincerely. "NO LAST MINUTE WORK AND STUDY,please?"
6. Don't do gossip. "even hear,it's nonsense!"
7. Saving money. "because you had used too much money before. Don't go shopping unwanted things. NO !" "Follow the budget you did!"
8. Everyday study, 2 hours time before going to bed as early as you could. "Waking up in morning with new refreshment :)"
9. Every prayers you made, khusyuk and pray hard cause you need em. "Every hard works you did, you need Allah. His bless are important.Parents too"
10. Take care of everything even you are super duper busy. Don't forget anyone :). "will NOT,but sorry if tak contact :)"
Please, stay determine and creative.
Off to do things,
Love from far,
Beeha :)
Omigod dear U-spot please be active. I need you too much :)
Oh hey, I'm here in Bintulu for almost 3 days already.
I feel simply awkward these days because something had changed.
Someone had gone so it feel a little empty here and there.
I feel like I'm lost and losing something, maybe it's a TIME.
I could be in a complete silent for a whole day because I have a limit connection here.
But I don't really care, hmmp I care too much actually !
Hello, posibility for me to die is high if I'm not talking and sharing with others.
It would be like, killing me softly. :|
But however, I feel so calm and having a spirit to start everything new.
To be new in heart and mentally even if I could, physically :) *I wish*
I don't know why, but I feel relax and feel like everything gonna be just alright.
and Hello, Mr Allergic had go away and now waiting for it to fully recover.
You know what?
This is the new semester and I just don't want to put my spirit down.
I need to struggle again to fight for this Semester.
Dear Allah, I'm begging you please make it easy even in a hard time. :) I love you.
I just need to strike the best and be good to everyone.
10 things I need to do this semester :
1. Stay focus on what I want to do and to be : "TNC List ? DL ?"
2. Be silent but happily enjoying my life here, "so far friends here are good :)"
3. Don't nag for anything and don't hear from anyone. "because You just have to be grateful, you have dear Allah :)"
4. Don't pick a fight with anybody but settle everything in a mature ways. "be mature enuff and deal with BRAIN!"
5. Do your assignments and tests even final with joy, success, patiently and sincerely. "NO LAST MINUTE WORK AND STUDY,please?"
6. Don't do gossip. "even hear,it's nonsense!"
7. Saving money. "because you had used too much money before. Don't go shopping unwanted things. NO !" "Follow the budget you did!"
8. Everyday study, 2 hours time before going to bed as early as you could. "Waking up in morning with new refreshment :)"
9. Every prayers you made, khusyuk and pray hard cause you need em. "Every hard works you did, you need Allah. His bless are important.Parents too"
10. Take care of everything even you are super duper busy. Don't forget anyone :). "will NOT,but sorry if tak contact :)"
Please, stay determine and creative.
Off to do things,
Love from far,
Beeha :)
Tuesday, November 15
Tebalnye muka kami,
I made this as my last memory before fly back to Sarawak.
Okay fine, before that. This allergic is painly killing me inside and outside.
But thanks to them that really care bout me, mih mih mih :)
Back to the topic,
We went for karaoke at Redbox, Sogo. Haha because at first, went to Superstar wangsa walk it was like full. FULL. okay byebye Superstar!
Having a nice quality time karaoke-ing for 3 hours none stop.
It's juts time for us to go back because we were totally had no money.
Okay. Naz had RM7 and I had those coins, I don't know how much.
Then Ingatkan parking Sogo tak mahal, kononnye.
There are manually paid counter and at the counter, the indonesian man was working there. The screen showed " RM 10.50 " .
We were like, omigoddamnyouwehavenomoneyleft. We just have that RM 7 with the coins only. Reversed the car and started to be gelabah gila. Called Abang Bobo and he willingly to come. But I started to korek sana korek sini, to find the coins and I had only RM 1.90 and Naz had RM 1. Okay so, it was like RM 10. But before that, my 5 cent boleh pulak jatuh celah seat. memang beranginlah. Then try to keluar kereta untuk cari kat atas jalan tu, naseb baik I bangun je ade syiling 10 sen dekat atas seat. *Alhamdulillah* cukupkan another seringgit. :)
Suddenly, Naz cakap belum cukup sebab we left another 50 cent.
Then ade 4 guys lalu depan kereta. macam abang abang lah.
I terus cakap dekat Naz suruh mintak abang tu. We drove towards that abangs and Naz with her cute lil face, "Abang, mintak tolong boleh?"
One of a guy with BMW car came seriously said, "Mintak tolong macam mana tu?"
"Nak 50sen boleh?"
"Ouh, 50sen, Nah !"
"Thank you, Abang."
and me terharu sangat, " Thank you sangat sangat, Abang"
and Naz suddenly, " Lain kali jumpa lagi !" -___________-"
okay, Abang tu pelik and gelengkan kepala.
okay, muka tebal habes.
but thanks to those abang, if not haha
it was fun gile. sumpah.
*can't describe here*
Kepada abang berkereta BMW warna gold, May Allah bless you moreeeee !
So, we learned a lessons that night.
# Don't go out if you have no extra money, get extra okay girls :)
# Makesure, you are brilliant enuff to think the best way to find the solutions
# Make crazy things never ever be boring :D
# bertenang and buat muka slumber !
# Help another people, and maybe one day. It might be your turn to be help by others.
Okay fine, before that. This allergic is painly killing me inside and outside.
But thanks to them that really care bout me, mih mih mih :)
Back to the topic,
We went for karaoke at Redbox, Sogo. Haha because at first, went to Superstar wangsa walk it was like full. FULL. okay byebye Superstar!
Having a nice quality time karaoke-ing for 3 hours none stop.
It's juts time for us to go back because we were totally had no money.
Okay. Naz had RM7 and I had those coins, I don't know how much.
Then Ingatkan parking Sogo tak mahal, kononnye.
There are manually paid counter and at the counter, the indonesian man was working there. The screen showed " RM 10.50 " .
We were like, omigoddamnyouwehavenomoneyleft. We just have that RM 7 with the coins only. Reversed the car and started to be gelabah gila. Called Abang Bobo and he willingly to come. But I started to korek sana korek sini, to find the coins and I had only RM 1.90 and Naz had RM 1. Okay so, it was like RM 10. But before that, my 5 cent boleh pulak jatuh celah seat. memang beranginlah. Then try to keluar kereta untuk cari kat atas jalan tu, naseb baik I bangun je ade syiling 10 sen dekat atas seat. *Alhamdulillah* cukupkan another seringgit. :)
Suddenly, Naz cakap belum cukup sebab we left another 50 cent.
Then ade 4 guys lalu depan kereta. macam abang abang lah.
I terus cakap dekat Naz suruh mintak abang tu. We drove towards that abangs and Naz with her cute lil face, "Abang, mintak tolong boleh?"
One of a guy with BMW car came seriously said, "Mintak tolong macam mana tu?"
"Nak 50sen boleh?"
"Ouh, 50sen, Nah !"
"Thank you, Abang."
and me terharu sangat, " Thank you sangat sangat, Abang"
and Naz suddenly, " Lain kali jumpa lagi !" -___________-"
okay, Abang tu pelik and gelengkan kepala.
okay, muka tebal habes.
but thanks to those abang, if not haha
it was fun gile. sumpah.
*can't describe here*
Kepada abang berkereta BMW warna gold, May Allah bless you moreeeee !
So, we learned a lessons that night.
# Don't go out if you have no extra money, get extra okay girls :)
# Makesure, you are brilliant enuff to think the best way to find the solutions
# Make crazy things never ever be boring :D
# bertenang and buat muka slumber !
# Help another people, and maybe one day. It might be your turn to be help by others.
Friday, November 11
This is my best Wall,
Hello 10/11/11 and 11/11/11
boo yah, there's nothing interesting about the dates but
It'll be something important on that dates.
Today, I feel like damn happy yet exhausted.
today is the day I woke up late.In a month, this is the most long hours I had a dreams.
Starting up with my mom *as usual* shouting, "Na, bangunnnnnn !"
we went for shopping. Okay this shopping was not a good nice shopping day because I shopped for things to bring back to Sarawak *you-know-why-already*
Oh please, time-please-walk-slowly-.-Don't-run-fast !
BBQ with family
Back to the story, We had a BBQ at home and inviting neighbour and friends. Zek and me struggling to light up the pit with those charcoals. How many times tah we tried but at last, we did ! Then he did the rest and I started to eat and eat and eat.
so, I dah puas makan. No more craving for food later on.
I online my FB, I saw some of my classmates talking bout the results and my heart pumped gila babbiy fast. But I still didn't have the intention to go check the results until Yusnita IM me saying "CONGRATS!" and I was like what is this *it's good if it's true, hehe* Then she asked me to check the result. Okay!
I never ever shout as loud as I could in my house only if there is a cockroach !
but just now, I shouted gila babbiy punyeeee kuat sebab I sumpah suprised gila when looked at result.You know what, I congrats all of the classmates. Hey, after our hard works rearing those chickens and messed up with grouping problems and some might have terrible fights *me* and with all those physco lecturers and tough subjects. You made it guys ! congratulation ! :) Well done !
hey wall, at last I made it. ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH. I LOVE YOU MORE MORE MORE THAN TO LOVE ANYONE. Thank you, Allah.I knew I gave the best and I left the rest to you.;') but Beeha, this is not the final stage. It's just a beginning! You just need to fight more and more because it'll be tougher and tougher for the next semesters ahead.fuhhhhh *Puasa Nazar 3 hari*
Hello, Dean List ! Let me stay there or put me higher for the semesters ahead because I just wanna give you more of my hardwork! Thank you Ma and Ayah for everything. Thank you Zakwan for the challenge you gave me, Thanks to bestfriends that always there sometimes nagging me bout this and that and thanks to friends for supports and encouragement and competition. Hahaha THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU !
That's for you, I just loves those things which I don't want to give to the person I didn't know. It's better for sisters :) I want new clothes for my new wardrobe ! teheee ;'D
I seriously feel like wanna slap me, me , me !
It's so itchy baby! please go away, you making my face look horrible.
Okay, be patient. Deal with those Mr Allergic. *patiently breathe*
okay, maybe today we'll be leaving kuantan and to Selayang *I think*
Then next destination would be Perak and Penang :) then to Sarawak :(
It's okay, be strong just go back there to grab your future with joy !
I pelik. She never didn't picked up my calls. She called me in the evening but I was at Giant, shopping and didn't called her back. Sorry. but where she is now ?
I think she's sleeping sebab she was busy baking the other night then wake early to bake again then didn't sleep terus keluar pergi hang out dengan girlprens.Sokay, I hope she'll be fine. :) Ya, I have many things to tell you and maybe I'll be there tomorrow. hewhew
please please please kamu jangan malas, sila packing sekarang lepastu pergi tido.
Done here Wall.
Thank you Wall for being here to hear bout my days.
I Love you and will never curang with you, wall.
boo yah, there's nothing interesting about the dates but
It'll be something important on that dates.
Today, I feel like damn happy yet exhausted.
today is the day I woke up late.In a month, this is the most long hours I had a dreams.
Starting up with my mom *as usual* shouting, "Na, bangunnnnnn !"
we went for shopping. Okay this shopping was not a good nice shopping day because I shopped for things to bring back to Sarawak *you-know-why-already*
Oh please, time-please-walk-slowly-.-Don't-run-fast !
BBQ with family
Back to the story, We had a BBQ at home and inviting neighbour and friends. Zek and me struggling to light up the pit with those charcoals. How many times tah we tried but at last, we did ! Then he did the rest and I started to eat and eat and eat.
so, I dah puas makan. No more craving for food later on.
I online my FB, I saw some of my classmates talking bout the results and my heart pumped gila babbiy fast. But I still didn't have the intention to go check the results until Yusnita IM me saying "CONGRATS!" and I was like what is this *it's good if it's true, hehe* Then she asked me to check the result. Okay!
I never ever shout as loud as I could in my house only if there is a cockroach !
but just now, I shouted gila babbiy punyeeee kuat sebab I sumpah suprised gila when looked at result.You know what, I congrats all of the classmates. Hey, after our hard works rearing those chickens and messed up with grouping problems and some might have terrible fights *me* and with all those physco lecturers and tough subjects. You made it guys ! congratulation ! :) Well done !
hey wall, at last I made it. ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH. I LOVE YOU MORE MORE MORE THAN TO LOVE ANYONE. Thank you, Allah.I knew I gave the best and I left the rest to you.;') but Beeha, this is not the final stage. It's just a beginning! You just need to fight more and more because it'll be tougher and tougher for the next semesters ahead.fuhhhhh *Puasa Nazar 3 hari*
Hello, Dean List ! Let me stay there or put me higher for the semesters ahead because I just wanna give you more of my hardwork! Thank you Ma and Ayah for everything. Thank you Zakwan for the challenge you gave me, Thanks to bestfriends that always there sometimes nagging me bout this and that and thanks to friends for supports and encouragement and competition. Hahaha THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU !
That's for you, I just loves those things which I don't want to give to the person I didn't know. It's better for sisters :) I want new clothes for my new wardrobe ! teheee ;'D
I seriously feel like wanna slap me, me , me !
It's so itchy baby! please go away, you making my face look horrible.
Okay, be patient. Deal with those Mr Allergic. *patiently breathe*
okay, maybe today we'll be leaving kuantan and to Selayang *I think*
Then next destination would be Perak and Penang :) then to Sarawak :(
It's okay, be strong just go back there to grab your future with joy !
I pelik. She never didn't picked up my calls. She called me in the evening but I was at Giant, shopping and didn't called her back. Sorry. but where she is now ?
I think she's sleeping sebab she was busy baking the other night then wake early to bake again then didn't sleep terus keluar pergi hang out dengan girlprens.Sokay, I hope she'll be fine. :) Ya, I have many things to tell you and maybe I'll be there tomorrow. hewhew
please please please kamu jangan malas, sila packing sekarang lepastu pergi tido.
Done here Wall.
Thank you Wall for being here to hear bout my days.
I Love you and will never curang with you, wall.
Thursday, November 10
Dear TL
Imma so excited here :)

Okay, people used to say that friends make us alive and away from the word LIFELESS.
For me, among the best friends I had, I prefer sisterhood. Although it's not biologically connected but sisters are more than being a friends but always know that they are close inside and in reality.
We, The Lalats are not intentionally made up to be as a gang. It was happened accidently combining the bestfriends and the other bestfriends which everyone were involved in Marching Band, MGS. pfffft
Okay people would never be connected together for a very long time. I admit. We doesn't. It's reality ! but I still believe that in each of our heart still hold that sisterhood thingy *perhaps*
The saddest part now is
we-are-like-separating-and-tearing-apart-because-you-choose-to-be-that-way !
I knw that it's really hard to gather together like the old times because everyone grown up and have their own life. One are here and one are there. I knw the distance are separating us a part but please all at once, at the end of it we can still see each other because WE'RE STUCK IN KUANTAN. kannnn ?
I don't mind if you wanted to put TL as " your old times stories and now I don't need them. " I don't mind but please don't forget and ignore the other sisters.
You just too over the limits. I think we're just not a bunch of your friends, at least if you meet the other sisters along the way, show some interest, respect and smile. Oh, like what we used to be before. At least, Have a smile and approach. It's really rude if you're totally acting like ignoring the other sisters. It's rude. I can't bare with that. If you even don't have nothing to say, just fly them a smile. A SMILE. It's that too hard ?
well well well, I know some of us from 10 girls are not even close to each other, I admit that. but at least hah you knw yourself, I feel noob telling you this.
*No more talking*
I wish that we could hang together which we're complete 10.
Muka yang sama je everytime we hang out. Make some effort.
You nak sombong, you go die. I can't bare if among TL, you act like so queen. Who are you ? You just one of us who grown up with those laughs and tears we made before.
"every semester break, we can only meet once"
hehe, but at least we're still connecting to each other.
Hey people, it's not easy to have a group of girls that are going with your flow.
I love TL. Honestly, I love the sisterhood we have but dislike some part of it NOW.
Met Diana, Aza, Mija, Cyla and Byer.
Nazy at Jengka SPM.
Mira repeating paper, busy.
Shaq Idk, not connected. SPM-er.
Eles Idk, study for SPM lettew.
Nothing to write about because it's too many to tell but

I hope you still have a guts to stay together.
No matter how far you go and how many friends you have.
It's crazy when you just forgetting the 'old people' away.
They had made your days, be grateful because true friends are hard to find.
I love you, Lalats. :)
Imma so excited here :)

Okay, people used to say that friends make us alive and away from the word LIFELESS.
For me, among the best friends I had, I prefer sisterhood. Although it's not biologically connected but sisters are more than being a friends but always know that they are close inside and in reality.
We, The Lalats are not intentionally made up to be as a gang. It was happened accidently combining the bestfriends and the other bestfriends which everyone were involved in Marching Band, MGS. pfffft
Okay people would never be connected together for a very long time. I admit. We doesn't. It's reality ! but I still believe that in each of our heart still hold that sisterhood thingy *perhaps*
The saddest part now is
we-are-like-separating-and-tearing-apart-because-you-choose-to-be-that-way !
I knw that it's really hard to gather together like the old times because everyone grown up and have their own life. One are here and one are there. I knw the distance are separating us a part but please all at once, at the end of it we can still see each other because WE'RE STUCK IN KUANTAN. kannnn ?
I don't mind if you wanted to put TL as " your old times stories and now I don't need them. " I don't mind but please don't forget and ignore the other sisters.
You just too over the limits. I think we're just not a bunch of your friends, at least if you meet the other sisters along the way, show some interest, respect and smile. Oh, like what we used to be before. At least, Have a smile and approach. It's really rude if you're totally acting like ignoring the other sisters. It's rude. I can't bare with that. If you even don't have nothing to say, just fly them a smile. A SMILE. It's that too hard ?
well well well, I know some of us from 10 girls are not even close to each other, I admit that. but at least hah you knw yourself, I feel noob telling you this.
*No more talking*
I wish that we could hang together which we're complete 10.
Muka yang sama je everytime we hang out. Make some effort.
You nak sombong, you go die. I can't bare if among TL, you act like so queen. Who are you ? You just one of us who grown up with those laughs and tears we made before.
"every semester break, we can only meet once"
hehe, but at least we're still connecting to each other.
Hey people, it's not easy to have a group of girls that are going with your flow.
I love TL. Honestly, I love the sisterhood we have but dislike some part of it NOW.
Met Diana, Aza, Mija, Cyla and Byer.
Nazy at Jengka SPM.
Mira repeating paper, busy.
Shaq Idk, not connected. SPM-er.
Eles Idk, study for SPM lettew.
Nothing to write about because it's too many to tell but

I hope you still have a guts to stay together.
No matter how far you go and how many friends you have.
It's crazy when you just forgetting the 'old people' away.
They had made your days, be grateful because true friends are hard to find.
I love you, Lalats. :)

Tuesday, November 8
Your reasons for being single,
Hello Wall,
Honestly today I feel lifeless which mean Imma too lazy to do anything.
But still, I cleaned the kitchen and packed the things.

Have you ever wonder on something ?
I wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why. *baling kasut*
Get serious. Everytime I think bout something it'll making me nagging and not being grateful for what that I had.
Too much mumbled bout something in life are so not good because it'll make your life boring. It's something that you need to go with the flow and take everything good as your guidance and everything bad as your experience in life.
So today I just wanna mumble bout being single.
The phrase bout being single sometimes is a tragic moment for some who can't bear to be alone. Oh well said, single people are not alone because they're surround by many friends. Bout you being single is something like you being strong enough to stand alone in this mighty world that full of imperfections.Bout being single is mean they're are more comfort to be with emself more than to share their life with others which some might not appreciate it.
So do we, the single person is a total loser to you?
Do we really need to be in a relationship with a guy to make everything perfect?
Do you really think we're not happy for being single all the time?
In fact I shout NOOOOOOO!
That might be the positive part of being single but negatively most people think that we cannot commit to the commitment with another half of us. By mean we're afraid !
Some people might think that we're too choosy for repeatedly rejecting this one than that one and at last not having one. Okay, there's some more where most people think the single person is a loner and attempting to flirt all the way with any guys/girls *based on your gender* because they really can't choose because they're perfectionist.

For me, I don't simply reject the negative part of being single because it's totally true, Don't you think that so?
But in every negative there must be a positive part. So I, as a single person for almost 6 years having a thoughts of it is alright for me not to have the special boyfriend because I have more needs in my life that are more important than having one but if there is, It's a bonus for me.
People used to ask. Sometimes, I'll question them back. Why you need one when you can have more ?
Okay, more here is not boyfriends but bestfriends.
but the answers for why are these :
1. Simply I don't ready for the serious relationship or even one-minute-relationship because when I start to love someone, I just afraid to lose him.
2. I afraid to have the commitments.
3. I'm too choosy in choosing Guys.
4. One that I want is really hard to get but one that I don't really think on is there waiting.
5. Perfectionist in my own way. Guys can't deal with this. Sorry.
6. I don't have that Mr Right yet but I'm not seek for Mr Perfect. Damn noob
7. I enjoying my life with girlfriends, boyfriends, family and scandals which no one could get angry with me cause that's my own life. without sharing.
8. Even in Islam, they don't encourage that.
but young single lady, take note of this. You at least must exposed yourself to these environment which you can try a one-minute-relationship or having serious relationship or be friend with boys. You need these. Don't concentrate like 200% on your life and study. Give space to be hurt by boys. Give yourself chances to see what are there waiting for you in this world ? You need to feel the loves, hatred, joy, hurt because this making you strong enuff to survive later. So, it's better experience when you've to deal with any crisis like divorce later on in future.
Who knows right ?
For me, as long as you're happy that's enuff. I know how to love people is actually pain. despite of the happiness you gain, you have to contribute your tears and hardwork. Experiences are the best guidance to be stronger in life after Islam :)
So,am I really wanna stay single ?
So far yes.
I don't want that but I want to be friends with guys.
They cool. :)
So, you must have your own reasons bout being single, right ?
No one would understand you more, so don't listen to them when you really don't want to :)
yet # If a taurus chooses to have a relationship with you, count yourself Lucky :)
Thank you friends for loving me for who I am. Sayam korang *campak bunga ros*
Honestly today I feel lifeless which mean Imma too lazy to do anything.
But still, I cleaned the kitchen and packed the things.

Have you ever wonder on something ?
I wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why. *baling kasut*
Get serious. Everytime I think bout something it'll making me nagging and not being grateful for what that I had.
Too much mumbled bout something in life are so not good because it'll make your life boring. It's something that you need to go with the flow and take everything good as your guidance and everything bad as your experience in life.
So today I just wanna mumble bout being single.
The phrase bout being single sometimes is a tragic moment for some who can't bear to be alone. Oh well said, single people are not alone because they're surround by many friends. Bout you being single is something like you being strong enough to stand alone in this mighty world that full of imperfections.Bout being single is mean they're are more comfort to be with emself more than to share their life with others which some might not appreciate it.
So do we, the single person is a total loser to you?
Do we really need to be in a relationship with a guy to make everything perfect?
Do you really think we're not happy for being single all the time?
In fact I shout NOOOOOOO!
That might be the positive part of being single but negatively most people think that we cannot commit to the commitment with another half of us. By mean we're afraid !
Some people might think that we're too choosy for repeatedly rejecting this one than that one and at last not having one. Okay, there's some more where most people think the single person is a loner and attempting to flirt all the way with any guys/girls *based on your gender* because they really can't choose because they're perfectionist.

For me, I don't simply reject the negative part of being single because it's totally true, Don't you think that so?
But in every negative there must be a positive part. So I, as a single person for almost 6 years having a thoughts of it is alright for me not to have the special boyfriend because I have more needs in my life that are more important than having one but if there is, It's a bonus for me.
People used to ask. Sometimes, I'll question them back. Why you need one when you can have more ?
Okay, more here is not boyfriends but bestfriends.
but the answers for why are these :
1. Simply I don't ready for the serious relationship or even one-minute-relationship because when I start to love someone, I just afraid to lose him.
2. I afraid to have the commitments.
3. I'm too choosy in choosing Guys.
4. One that I want is really hard to get but one that I don't really think on is there waiting.
5. Perfectionist in my own way. Guys can't deal with this. Sorry.
6. I don't have that Mr Right yet but I'm not seek for Mr Perfect. Damn noob
7. I enjoying my life with girlfriends, boyfriends, family and scandals which no one could get angry with me cause that's my own life. without sharing.
8. Even in Islam, they don't encourage that.
but young single lady, take note of this. You at least must exposed yourself to these environment which you can try a one-minute-relationship or having serious relationship or be friend with boys. You need these. Don't concentrate like 200% on your life and study. Give space to be hurt by boys. Give yourself chances to see what are there waiting for you in this world ? You need to feel the loves, hatred, joy, hurt because this making you strong enuff to survive later. So, it's better experience when you've to deal with any crisis like divorce later on in future.
Who knows right ?
For me, as long as you're happy that's enuff. I know how to love people is actually pain. despite of the happiness you gain, you have to contribute your tears and hardwork. Experiences are the best guidance to be stronger in life after Islam :)
So,am I really wanna stay single ?
So far yes.
I don't want that but I want to be friends with guys.
They cool. :)
So, you must have your own reasons bout being single, right ?
No one would understand you more, so don't listen to them when you really don't want to :)
yet # If a taurus chooses to have a relationship with you, count yourself Lucky :)
Thank you friends for loving me for who I am. Sayam korang *campak bunga ros*
Saturday, November 5
Awkward. feel like missing. Lost. Alone.
Why on earth do I need to feel this way today ?
Feel like crying. I don't know why.
I miss to be surround by friends having those laughs and being crazy all over,
I just missed that.
Everything were different and will be not be the same anymore.
I don't hang around with people I used to. I feel it's hard to let go the time with friends compared to before. I feel too happy with friends but who knows what my heart saying inside.She says "I can't be alone and boring, need to fine someone to talk to"
Hehe, but then 3 days in Selayang had made my week.
Lepaks with people with wide range of ages making me learned how life is this,
Knowing people from different background are totally encouraging me to be better person and it is okay to be surrounded with them without discrimination :)
Staying with them making u learn the good and bad of them that you would sometimes annoyed and smiled.
I missed those person too much.
I don't want to go back to Sarawak, as far as I go. I just go for the sake of my future. Allah, please gimme more strength to sustain in life and never fall weak and dying. I love you more than loving any other humans. :D
Lek lu, Sap kok lu. I don't want to cry. I feel better now. Thanks wall. Muah
Why on earth do I need to feel this way today ?
Feel like crying. I don't know why.
I miss to be surround by friends having those laughs and being crazy all over,
I just missed that.
Everything were different and will be not be the same anymore.
I don't hang around with people I used to. I feel it's hard to let go the time with friends compared to before. I feel too happy with friends but who knows what my heart saying inside.She says "I can't be alone and boring, need to fine someone to talk to"
Hehe, but then 3 days in Selayang had made my week.
Lepaks with people with wide range of ages making me learned how life is this,
Knowing people from different background are totally encouraging me to be better person and it is okay to be surrounded with them without discrimination :)
Staying with them making u learn the good and bad of them that you would sometimes annoyed and smiled.
I missed those person too much.
I don't want to go back to Sarawak, as far as I go. I just go for the sake of my future. Allah, please gimme more strength to sustain in life and never fall weak and dying. I love you more than loving any other humans. :D
Lek lu, Sap kok lu. I don't want to cry. I feel better now. Thanks wall. Muah
Tuesday, November 1
Heading a head,
sorry dear wall, I was a bit busy and not having time to write on you.
Don't worry you'll always be the best wall for me to write my stories.
btw, Hello I'm kinda suprise if the are readers out there willingly to read my wall.
accidently or stalking or sincerely, I don't mind cause you're welcome but I ain't nothing to hope for because this wall is only for me to talk to. I'm not seek for popularity or wht like some does. Sorry.
I did my art works. Art project. Hobby.
I never hope that would be perfect or impressive but it's just enuff to make you smile and laugh, soul.Can't wait to meet you, friends :)
just finished em and still not packing ! awwww damn, Imma sleepy.
Hey wall, I don't think I can accept him nor say No because I just can't.
I feel nothing and I'm useless. Sorry but I fall for other. Hey the other, I think I loike you but you just don't see em. Hope you see and say that you loike me too. Impossible. Sorry again.
Oh, another one is, hello friends I just get over him and I'm cool and doing fine. I even have no feeling towards him. No more. So I'm fine, no worries. He's sucks. What to do, move on. But I really want someone that really can make me laugh and feel real again.He who's not bo-ring and in the box. I don't need that. I just need to be fun and feel the hatred and hurt while happiness are with me while I'm with him. So who's HIM ?
When? okay, fine. Take your time. I know you're somewhere there. Take care okay while walking towards me. I will make wrong choices by having bad decisions because it's learning process but for you, I spare a space. :)
Good bye everyone.
May you be bless.
and Malaysia aman dan sejahtera.
Don't worry you'll always be the best wall for me to write my stories.
btw, Hello I'm kinda suprise if the are readers out there willingly to read my wall.
accidently or stalking or sincerely, I don't mind cause you're welcome but I ain't nothing to hope for because this wall is only for me to talk to. I'm not seek for popularity or wht like some does. Sorry.
I did my art works. Art project. Hobby.
I never hope that would be perfect or impressive but it's just enuff to make you smile and laugh, soul.Can't wait to meet you, friends :)
just finished em and still not packing ! awwww damn, Imma sleepy.
Hey wall, I don't think I can accept him nor say No because I just can't.
I feel nothing and I'm useless. Sorry but I fall for other. Hey the other, I think I loike you but you just don't see em. Hope you see and say that you loike me too. Impossible. Sorry again.
Oh, another one is, hello friends I just get over him and I'm cool and doing fine. I even have no feeling towards him. No more. So I'm fine, no worries. He's sucks. What to do, move on. But I really want someone that really can make me laugh and feel real again.He who's not bo-ring and in the box. I don't need that. I just need to be fun and feel the hatred and hurt while happiness are with me while I'm with him. So who's HIM ?
When? okay, fine. Take your time. I know you're somewhere there. Take care okay while walking towards me. I will make wrong choices by having bad decisions because it's learning process but for you, I spare a space. :)
Good bye everyone.
May you be bless.
and Malaysia aman dan sejahtera.
Saturday, October 29
Day 7
I tertidur without realized that I was sleeping yesterday.
Fine. Missing one day.
but it's never too late to tell you dear blog that I'm happy yesterday :)
okay, Can I question this out ?
Why on earth that I was really rajinnnnn gile this few days ?
Tell me what to do, I'll do it without a force.
I hope this will last forever because I feel good and calm this way.
before talking bout today, let's me tell you bout my yesterday,blogie :)
I had a date with Mija, we made castard puding which by mean she was teaching me !
See, don't be suprise that I love to cook now. This is because I feel that this is so important for me for my future. To be extra ordinary person, we need to know everything ! *merepek jangan layan*
somehow, it's important. No doubt.
Today ? haha I feel so calm lying on my bed and thinking of nothing. Listening to music and smiling all over again. Why ? I don't know ! Maybe today is the turn to spend a whole time with me :) myself lahhhh.
by the way, Can I ask ?
Couple itu haram ke ?
I read and somehow listen to the others saying it's haram to have a realationship with a boy which is non muhrim. I knew it's true.
but it's not a mistake to love or to be in love with a boy. It's a part of the big circle of love, kan? What I understand from 'Couple itu haram' is something you dating a guy and make unproper things. *youknowitbetter* Yelah, a part being in relationship, you think it somehow having a license to touch each other which is haram and Couple itu haram sebab nak menjauhkan kita daripada maksiat yang bakal kita lakukan. I think. Just, when having a relationship for me it's alright but you have to care about this and that. Ikut cara islam. kannnn ? *Talk like perfect,kelakar*
Somehow, you have to know Nabi Muhammad pun mengajar kita untuk lebih baik mendiamkan pertunangan kita tetapi menghebahkan perkahwinan kita untuk mengelakkan fitnah. I read another article saying "It's not good mentioning your relationship with a guy yang bukan muhrim at facebook" It somehow can lead to fitnah. But for me, it's depends on your perception jugak.
For me, if it haram. It's better to stay away because you ain't lose anything but u can have those pahala. But if you think what you are doing will not making any harm to yourself and others,
Just take it positively but let Islam come first before dunia. Get what I mean?
I also love to be in love which mean to love and be in love with a guy, but until now, I haven't have one yet. I always question that to myself and best friends. When I think about it again, it isn't necessary for now asthou I wanna get married now. Allah knows the best, that's also be the answer for my crap question.
Oh, one more. If we love someone, do we really need to tell them ? As I read, in Islam it's better not to tell because it will make the feels gone but as in life we are encouraging to tell the one we love that we love them. This is because phsycologically, humans and words make the feelings better.*Get what I mean ?* It's a need to tell the person we love that we're in love with them because if not they'll go away and you'll regret. That's the phenomenon in life. So what is actually could we based for ? Tell or not to tell ?
For me, emmmm I will tell if only I really love them and just wanting them to know. But I ain't not to be obses about that because Allah knows the best for me. :)
Haha. Things like this sometimes making me thinking and wanted the best answers.
This is just my thoughts and it's maybe wrong because I'm not perfect nor too religious. I want the best answers from the best people that are good in this. :)
Fine. Missing one day.
but it's never too late to tell you dear blog that I'm happy yesterday :)
okay, Can I question this out ?
Why on earth that I was really rajinnnnn gile this few days ?
Tell me what to do, I'll do it without a force.
I hope this will last forever because I feel good and calm this way.
before talking bout today, let's me tell you bout my yesterday,blogie :)
I had a date with Mija, we made castard puding which by mean she was teaching me !
See, don't be suprise that I love to cook now. This is because I feel that this is so important for me for my future. To be extra ordinary person, we need to know everything ! *merepek jangan layan*
somehow, it's important. No doubt.
Today ? haha I feel so calm lying on my bed and thinking of nothing. Listening to music and smiling all over again. Why ? I don't know ! Maybe today is the turn to spend a whole time with me :) myself lahhhh.
by the way, Can I ask ?
Couple itu haram ke ?
I read and somehow listen to the others saying it's haram to have a realationship with a boy which is non muhrim. I knew it's true.
but it's not a mistake to love or to be in love with a boy. It's a part of the big circle of love, kan? What I understand from 'Couple itu haram' is something you dating a guy and make unproper things. *youknowitbetter* Yelah, a part being in relationship, you think it somehow having a license to touch each other which is haram and Couple itu haram sebab nak menjauhkan kita daripada maksiat yang bakal kita lakukan. I think. Just, when having a relationship for me it's alright but you have to care about this and that. Ikut cara islam. kannnn ? *Talk like perfect,kelakar*
Somehow, you have to know Nabi Muhammad pun mengajar kita untuk lebih baik mendiamkan pertunangan kita tetapi menghebahkan perkahwinan kita untuk mengelakkan fitnah. I read another article saying "It's not good mentioning your relationship with a guy yang bukan muhrim at facebook" It somehow can lead to fitnah. But for me, it's depends on your perception jugak.
For me, if it haram. It's better to stay away because you ain't lose anything but u can have those pahala. But if you think what you are doing will not making any harm to yourself and others,
Just take it positively but let Islam come first before dunia. Get what I mean?
I also love to be in love which mean to love and be in love with a guy, but until now, I haven't have one yet. I always question that to myself and best friends. When I think about it again, it isn't necessary for now asthou I wanna get married now. Allah knows the best, that's also be the answer for my crap question.
Oh, one more. If we love someone, do we really need to tell them ? As I read, in Islam it's better not to tell because it will make the feels gone but as in life we are encouraging to tell the one we love that we love them. This is because phsycologically, humans and words make the feelings better.*Get what I mean ?* It's a need to tell the person we love that we're in love with them because if not they'll go away and you'll regret. That's the phenomenon in life. So what is actually could we based for ? Tell or not to tell ?
For me, emmmm I will tell if only I really love them and just wanting them to know. But I ain't not to be obses about that because Allah knows the best for me. :)
Haha. Things like this sometimes making me thinking and wanted the best answers.
This is just my thoughts and it's maybe wrong because I'm not perfect nor too religious. I want the best answers from the best people that are good in this. :)
Friday, October 28
Day 5
What's up with today ?
I'm Happy !
Happy without No reasons. Fine. Feel calm and cool.
my mum had came back and bought me like what she promised.
HEAD TO TOE :) It's mean like she needs to buy everything for me.
So, I think she thinks of me a lot when she was there because she like bought evverything !
and HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY to my babyucks, Noor Nazlia binti Zainal Abidin.
"Everything that you need to know, you knew. That's making you are among the most important person to me"

That's all for today. I suddenly feel hatred and stupid for still thinking you.
ahhhh, you are not important anymore to me meaning
I'm Happy !
Happy without No reasons. Fine. Feel calm and cool.
my mum had came back and bought me like what she promised.
HEAD TO TOE :) It's mean like she needs to buy everything for me.
So, I think she thinks of me a lot when she was there because she like bought evverything !
and HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY to my babyucks, Noor Nazlia binti Zainal Abidin.
"Everything that you need to know, you knew. That's making you are among the most important person to me"

That's all for today. I suddenly feel hatred and stupid for still thinking you.
ahhhh, you are not important anymore to me meaning
Thursday, October 27
Day 4
Day 4 at Kuantan is a day for my girlfriend, long lost girlfriend.
hahaha tipu je, long lost unconnected girlfriend :)
I was waking up a bit earlier than usual but still kena nag dengan Ayah. Everything I did mesti kena komen, sabarlah ye :)
Then siap siap,terus out to meet her. Sorry lambat cause I've to wait for my dad yang nak masak dan makan dulu. As wish I can drive legally ! -_________-"
Then, meet at ECM -________-" Tahu tak apa itu ? Oh tu East Coast Mall. Tu je yang ada dekat Kuantan ni. meowmeowwwww :)
Haha I langkah kanan today, I didn't have my lunch nor breakfast at home, but what's for my lunch was Pizza. Thanks uncle and aunty for the treat.
If you're 18 and above, watch this so called boring-long-sexual-funny-love movie :)
okay, I don't deny it was too long and boring at time but it's not boring in term of boring, It's just like not suitable for movie at cinema, maybe movie at home will be fine, which I mean like homeboxoffice, HBO. The story line was cool and funny because Anna Farris always act like a dumb one :) with evans awww handsome okay :) I think I don't want to share the story line but I just promoted that this will be fun but watch with girls, because there too horny there in movie :)
Hey girls, whats your number ? me ? zerooooo !

Then I went for shopping ! seems like I didn't shop for long time. Long lah sangat, hehe :D Bought flat shoes, jeans and other things. ouchh I'm happy !
Oh, my mum balik esokkkkkk.
Hopefully she'll back here in Kuantan safely, okay Allah?
I can't wait to see what she had bought for me !
having fun with you and I bet that we didn't talk a lot just now ! When should we have the heart to heart talk ? Wanna meet you again ! A promise ! :)

p/s I ate a lot. Pizza,mash potato,pop corn, kfc and roti tampal mamak mari oh kari da kawkaw.Who cares ? :)
hahaha tipu je, long lost unconnected girlfriend :)
I was waking up a bit earlier than usual but still kena nag dengan Ayah. Everything I did mesti kena komen, sabarlah ye :)
Then siap siap,terus out to meet her. Sorry lambat cause I've to wait for my dad yang nak masak dan makan dulu. As wish I can drive legally ! -_________-"
Then, meet at ECM -________-" Tahu tak apa itu ? Oh tu East Coast Mall. Tu je yang ada dekat Kuantan ni. meowmeowwwww :)
Haha I langkah kanan today, I didn't have my lunch nor breakfast at home, but what's for my lunch was Pizza. Thanks uncle and aunty for the treat.
If you're 18 and above, watch this so called boring-long-sexual-funny-love movie :)
okay, I don't deny it was too long and boring at time but it's not boring in term of boring, It's just like not suitable for movie at cinema, maybe movie at home will be fine, which I mean like homeboxoffice, HBO. The story line was cool and funny because Anna Farris always act like a dumb one :) with evans awww handsome okay :) I think I don't want to share the story line but I just promoted that this will be fun but watch with girls, because there too horny there in movie :)
Hey girls, whats your number ? me ? zerooooo !

Then I went for shopping ! seems like I didn't shop for long time. Long lah sangat, hehe :D Bought flat shoes, jeans and other things. ouchh I'm happy !
Oh, my mum balik esokkkkkk.
Hopefully she'll back here in Kuantan safely, okay Allah?
I can't wait to see what she had bought for me !
having fun with you and I bet that we didn't talk a lot just now ! When should we have the heart to heart talk ? Wanna meet you again ! A promise ! :)

p/s I ate a lot. Pizza,mash potato,pop corn, kfc and roti tampal mamak mari oh kari da kawkaw.Who cares ? :)
Tuesday, October 25
Day 3
arghhhh, I heard that mumbled from my dad asking me to wake up !
At last, I woke up to get through this new day, Wait up. I checked my phone and all the messages lined up saying this and that, hah and what suprised me was someone was calling me and I did answered. What the hell could I said when I was already asleep ?
Just smiling away and had my zuhur.
Today my dad cooked :) without me helping him, thats why he was really nagging me up lalalala haha
Today was like my TV watching time. Pity the others, sorry today is my channels not yours :)
Since my mother was away for her holiday, hah wish she had the wonderful times there :)
it's so like my duty to do all the chores and laundry. Hahaha which I am too lazy at doing those things :)
Channel to channels sometimes making me boring haha. Enuff with that.
I need to plan my family's holiday to Penang ! Why on earth do I want to go to Penang ? It's a lil bit freaking out when I change my mum's plan where she wanted to go to Langkawi and I was saying why not if Penang ? and she agreed. -_________-"
Okay that's it for today blogie, I craving for Choc cake :)
At last, I woke up to get through this new day, Wait up. I checked my phone and all the messages lined up saying this and that, hah and what suprised me was someone was calling me and I did answered. What the hell could I said when I was already asleep ?
Just smiling away and had my zuhur.
Today my dad cooked :) without me helping him, thats why he was really nagging me up lalalala haha
Today was like my TV watching time. Pity the others, sorry today is my channels not yours :)
Since my mother was away for her holiday, hah wish she had the wonderful times there :)
it's so like my duty to do all the chores and laundry. Hahaha which I am too lazy at doing those things :)
Channel to channels sometimes making me boring haha. Enuff with that.
I need to plan my family's holiday to Penang ! Why on earth do I want to go to Penang ? It's a lil bit freaking out when I change my mum's plan where she wanted to go to Langkawi and I was saying why not if Penang ? and she agreed. -_________-"
Okay that's it for today blogie, I craving for Choc cake :)
Monday, October 24
Day 2
pleasant day at home :)
waking up and meet my lover then down to kitchen
and my dad asked me to cook !
I simply giving him the blur prffttt looks.
and then he decided to help me which mean we cook together :)
Nak tahu masak apa ?
"Nasi goreng asal sedap"
hahaha, main letak jelah anything we want :)
and then movie-ing "Syurga Cinta"
There're a lots of moral values in it. There are like ;
# Who said that people couldn't change even how bad they are, once the heart is open for them to accept Islam in the right way, they will change.
# How bad our parents are, don't blame them for making us bad too but find the best solution to heal the unproper living in the family.
# Love is the mighty feeling that we should feel, it is love to Allah, Nabi Muhammad, Parents, Family, Friend and man/woman :)
# Cinta bukan untuk dipermainkan dan dipersendakan tapi cinta perlulah ikhlas dan suci.
# Terdapat 3 jenis jodoh, haaa wanna know ?
Firstly, jodoh daripada Syaiton. This mean you know him, touch him and buat maksiat.
Secondly, jodoh daripada Jin. This is like Nasi kangkang :) you bomohkan dia semata - mata untuk memilikinya.
Thirdly, jodoh daripada Allah. This is where for the first time you see him, you feel right to your heart and know that he is. When he propose you, you accept and get married without doing any maksiat.
so, to have your syurga cinta makesure you are good enough to suite the good one :)
know the best jodoh you would have, Jodoh daripada Allah :)
" Lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik "
tepuk dada tanya lah sendiri
chow to do chores and laundry !
waking up and meet my lover then down to kitchen
and my dad asked me to cook !
I simply giving him the blur prffttt looks.
and then he decided to help me which mean we cook together :)
Nak tahu masak apa ?
"Nasi goreng asal sedap"
hahaha, main letak jelah anything we want :)
and then movie-ing "Syurga Cinta"
There're a lots of moral values in it. There are like ;
# Who said that people couldn't change even how bad they are, once the heart is open for them to accept Islam in the right way, they will change.
# How bad our parents are, don't blame them for making us bad too but find the best solution to heal the unproper living in the family.
# Love is the mighty feeling that we should feel, it is love to Allah, Nabi Muhammad, Parents, Family, Friend and man/woman :)
# Cinta bukan untuk dipermainkan dan dipersendakan tapi cinta perlulah ikhlas dan suci.
# Terdapat 3 jenis jodoh, haaa wanna know ?
Firstly, jodoh daripada Syaiton. This mean you know him, touch him and buat maksiat.
Secondly, jodoh daripada Jin. This is like Nasi kangkang :) you bomohkan dia semata - mata untuk memilikinya.
Thirdly, jodoh daripada Allah. This is where for the first time you see him, you feel right to your heart and know that he is. When he propose you, you accept and get married without doing any maksiat.
so, to have your syurga cinta makesure you are good enough to suite the good one :)
know the best jodoh you would have, Jodoh daripada Allah :)
" Lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik "
tepuk dada tanya lah sendiri
chow to do chores and laundry !
A week in Kuantan,
Day 1
"Morning world !"
I slept like 24 hours from yesterday because I'm too tired with those unplanned things which making me not sleeping for a day.
After waking up, feel energetic and active :)
I was cooking with my mom and having a pleasant evening by jogging alone,
I think hard and I did something that unexpected. Something I even don't believe I did it but it's a good thing to know the real situation and get over them as soon as possible. I don't even care that I cried hard yesterday because I really wanted to let them go away from my mind and heart and get a new wonderful life tomorrow.
I don't feel sad because of her while I think she's nice and better for him but what make me felt so sick was him. His attitudes. He's out of limits and I feel like hating him now. Okay, it's not because I can't have him anymore but it's because he wanted to keep me in the dark again, for second time. I'm tired. I'm not a wall and I have the heart. I'm hoping that she can change him and he'll be better so for the sake of it, I don't want to have any connection with him. Friend ? yeah always be but to be close friend, I don't think so. I don't give the third chances when you spoiled the second one. You have to know and learn how to appreciate and treat and don't play with the heart of mine because I simply don't like it. It's better to be honest than playing around just untuk menjaga hati ! Tahap kesabaran I ada limit. Now, it's off the limits and you're sucks and get away from my life and don't even come back !
you're simply heartless and sucks.
that's the end of our story, 10 years story.
I don't think that I am interested for having a new chapter of this story.
you, get lost !
and I'll be awesome while you're awful.
"Morning world !"
I slept like 24 hours from yesterday because I'm too tired with those unplanned things which making me not sleeping for a day.
After waking up, feel energetic and active :)
I was cooking with my mom and having a pleasant evening by jogging alone,
I think hard and I did something that unexpected. Something I even don't believe I did it but it's a good thing to know the real situation and get over them as soon as possible. I don't even care that I cried hard yesterday because I really wanted to let them go away from my mind and heart and get a new wonderful life tomorrow.
I don't feel sad because of her while I think she's nice and better for him but what make me felt so sick was him. His attitudes. He's out of limits and I feel like hating him now. Okay, it's not because I can't have him anymore but it's because he wanted to keep me in the dark again, for second time. I'm tired. I'm not a wall and I have the heart. I'm hoping that she can change him and he'll be better so for the sake of it, I don't want to have any connection with him. Friend ? yeah always be but to be close friend, I don't think so. I don't give the third chances when you spoiled the second one. You have to know and learn how to appreciate and treat and don't play with the heart of mine because I simply don't like it. It's better to be honest than playing around just untuk menjaga hati ! Tahap kesabaran I ada limit. Now, it's off the limits and you're sucks and get away from my life and don't even come back !
you're simply heartless and sucks.
that's the end of our story, 10 years story.
I don't think that I am interested for having a new chapter of this story.
you, get lost !
and I'll be awesome while you're awful.
Sunday, October 23
I need to be Mrs incredible :)
Assalamualaikum Bloggie,
oh ho, a week seems like a thousand things happened.Sometimes, life is like shopping in IKEA. you go up and down to left and right. When you walk around, you see a different sections on furniture are there.I know, in your mind you want those things that you like but instead it is either you have the money or not. If you have the money, you can get what you want but if you've no money, sorry to say. you going to watch em from far.
Same goes to ur life actually,having ups and downs everytime you're walking through your life. Sometimes they come at once.When you can't even have that smile, the sadness would come. It's like a circle of time, you think of doing good things or bad things. It's up to you. you'll have the same thing in reply. What goes around comes around, don't deny it. Money is a strength. You look good when having a money kan kan ? you don't look weak. :)
same like a strength where you really need a strength to survive in life. To smile, u need a strength and to be in sadness you really need a big strength. If not, you'll fall.
ohmygod, you know I've a tough week adding up the fabulous laughs and thoughts.
how come it comes at once like sudden.
He will go away from me
He. . :(
I cried like crazy man, The saddest things happened at once. Who could I leaned on ?
only me myself. em, Thanks to Nazlia. but it wasn't enuff to hold that.
reading this ? I just need you to pray that I'm always that strong. You don't need to know what I've get through.
You : you know how hard it could be to hear that thing? At first I think it will be okay and I'm getting stronger to hear that from you but sometimes, I have another thoughts that making me feel uncomfort and cry. I'm afraid to lose you and so you know, I can't see you anymore because it's hurting and I don't like it. You just go away, there's no a second third chances for you anymore. I love you in pain and I can't deal with this for a second time. I'm not a wall. I have a heart. Goodbye, calar balar.
You : you need to be strong. So do I. Get the strength for me :) you'll be fine. Don't think of worries but always think of Allah is so fair enuff to you. You'll be bless :)
oh ho, a week seems like a thousand things happened.Sometimes, life is like shopping in IKEA. you go up and down to left and right. When you walk around, you see a different sections on furniture are there.I know, in your mind you want those things that you like but instead it is either you have the money or not. If you have the money, you can get what you want but if you've no money, sorry to say. you going to watch em from far.
Same goes to ur life actually,having ups and downs everytime you're walking through your life. Sometimes they come at once.When you can't even have that smile, the sadness would come. It's like a circle of time, you think of doing good things or bad things. It's up to you. you'll have the same thing in reply. What goes around comes around, don't deny it. Money is a strength. You look good when having a money kan kan ? you don't look weak. :)
same like a strength where you really need a strength to survive in life. To smile, u need a strength and to be in sadness you really need a big strength. If not, you'll fall.
ohmygod, you know I've a tough week adding up the fabulous laughs and thoughts.
how come it comes at once like sudden.
He will go away from me
He. . :(
I cried like crazy man, The saddest things happened at once. Who could I leaned on ?
only me myself. em, Thanks to Nazlia. but it wasn't enuff to hold that.
reading this ? I just need you to pray that I'm always that strong. You don't need to know what I've get through.
You : you know how hard it could be to hear that thing? At first I think it will be okay and I'm getting stronger to hear that from you but sometimes, I have another thoughts that making me feel uncomfort and cry. I'm afraid to lose you and so you know, I can't see you anymore because it's hurting and I don't like it. You just go away, there's no a second third chances for you anymore. I love you in pain and I can't deal with this for a second time. I'm not a wall. I have a heart. Goodbye, calar balar.
You : you need to be strong. So do I. Get the strength for me :) you'll be fine. Don't think of worries but always think of Allah is so fair enuff to you. You'll be bless :)
Sunday, October 9
twinkle twinkle
I will fly home on 15 october 2011 baby,
A week more to go Kuala Lumpur !
eventually my last paper is on 11th but I need to stay for 3 days just to wait for my flight, WAIT FOR MY FLIGHT. You know how waste the time will be ?
but it's alright, everything comes with the reasons. with a reasons :)
I just need to clear up things in this messy room and packing .
What's on my mind when my footsteps just stepping out from the plane ?
saying Alhamdulillah to The Mighty that I have survive more than one year in Sarawak and are safely arriving in Kuala Lumpur,and I will hug the first person that I saw nanti, okay the first person itu bukannya orang asing :)
The I'll list down all the planning on what-to-eat-next, hell yeah I can't wait for that. hehe Then, I'll meet the important person esp my soul and we'll hang around because you need to use me as much as you can sebab your boyfriend is not around :)
Then having a dates with all the friends, if possible.
Next waiting to be home with family and Ma, as your balasan I need everything new from head to toe. I don't care !
I have more things in my mind. I mean moreeeeeeeee
I just want to do something more refreshing and new even meeting same people, I just want to do something new and I hope there will be no heart feeling again during the break, I want to be happy, as I hope, perhaps.
p/s : I miss you too much like I missed the old you, soul. You know, I cried while looking at your picture just now because I miss everything about you and you're always not here, okay I don't hope much :) k baiiiii
A week more to go Kuala Lumpur !
eventually my last paper is on 11th but I need to stay for 3 days just to wait for my flight, WAIT FOR MY FLIGHT. You know how waste the time will be ?
but it's alright, everything comes with the reasons. with a reasons :)
I just need to clear up things in this messy room and packing .
What's on my mind when my footsteps just stepping out from the plane ?
saying Alhamdulillah to The Mighty that I have survive more than one year in Sarawak and are safely arriving in Kuala Lumpur,and I will hug the first person that I saw nanti, okay the first person itu bukannya orang asing :)
The I'll list down all the planning on what-to-eat-next, hell yeah I can't wait for that. hehe Then, I'll meet the important person esp my soul and we'll hang around because you need to use me as much as you can sebab your boyfriend is not around :)
Then having a dates with all the friends, if possible.
Next waiting to be home with family and Ma, as your balasan I need everything new from head to toe. I don't care !
I have more things in my mind. I mean moreeeeeeeee
I just want to do something more refreshing and new even meeting same people, I just want to do something new and I hope there will be no heart feeling again during the break, I want to be happy, as I hope, perhaps.
p/s : I miss you too much like I missed the old you, soul. You know, I cried while looking at your picture just now because I miss everything about you and you're always not here, okay I don't hope much :) k baiiiii
Tuesday, September 27
to be in and out,
I need a deep breath.
Final just round the corner,
Good job for the dinner :)
I'm hoping that there is no more assignments to be settle during this study week,
cross the fingers, Take care !
I need home.
Final just round the corner,
Good job for the dinner :)
I'm hoping that there is no more assignments to be settle during this study week,
cross the fingers, Take care !
I need home.
Tuesday, September 20
Assalamualaikum and hello readers,

Since today is Deko's birthday, so she treated us with pizza :)
Thank you Deko because we had like loads of food
and makansampaipenuhperutcomelneh, who cares :)
Here are the pictures of a moments we had just now,

I'm tired and full so now it's time to sleep.
Oh cannot okay, It's time to face the books because final just around the corner wee.
p/s : To be frank we were too tired and having not enough sleep because of those firedrill practise last night adding up with business plans to be done so we slept like a whole day today, hewhew

Since today is Deko's birthday, so she treated us with pizza :)
Thank you Deko because we had like loads of food
and makansampaipenuhperutcomelneh, who cares :)
Here are the pictures of a moments we had just now,

I'm tired and full so now it's time to sleep.
Oh cannot okay, It's time to face the books because final just around the corner wee.
p/s : To be frank we were too tired and having not enough sleep because of those firedrill practise last night adding up with business plans to be done so we slept like a whole day today, hewhew
Fire and Run lah !
Fire fire fire !
what should you do ?
RUNNNNNNNN with what you have and WEAR !
It seems like ridiculous having a firedrill practise at 248 in the morning which people might having a sweet dream and haa you ruined it, fireman !
but the other side of it, it is a good practise because we never know when Mr Fire would come and lick us, hewhew hahaha
so what are we having at 247 am ?
we were like busying finished up those business plan
and I just had my shower after Deko's simbah Partayyyy :)
Begun with those popping sound that we were like " what's the hell is that? " then suddenly in second, those lights turn off and the bell rang like too noisy, arghhhh
I'LL KILL THOSE FIREMAN, hewhew joking don't sue me :)
Then we heard people was like panic and ran down to staircases to save life,
we did the same thing to, grab anything especially handphones and keys to lock the door and put those laptop in sleep mood :D *sempatlagikankan
Running down to dataran blok J then to clinic next to dataran blok C where the boys are there too for us to watch those demo.
Girls, I mean lots of them including us like in those sexy mood, who cares what you were wearing when it comes to dark, noisy and fire situation. When you looked at everyone especially what they are wearing, it was funny to me because we can detect what they had before coming down to the safe place.
Done with those fire demo, everyone went back to room.

so watch out :
# Be alert at anytime and everywhere
# Run and don't look back and no 'Makcik Limah' walking style
# Don't push anyone in front of you
# Don't forget to bring your handphone as to torch you the way
# Use the nearest staircases
# Don't panic. Just get out of the building as fast as you could
# Don't forget to lock you room as if you know it is only a practise
and the most important thing
# Don't be pending and loading and don't wear earpieces/earphones to bed
# Don't pretend like a superhero but stay calm and FAST
whatever it was, the girls FAILED to reach the time and we're bad in saving our own life, women don't put enough alertness in ourselves.
Beware and watch out :)
That is for fire day, Thank you Mr Fireman. You did a good job and may you be blessed :)
what should you do ?
RUNNNNNNNN with what you have and WEAR !
It seems like ridiculous having a firedrill practise at 248 in the morning which people might having a sweet dream and haa you ruined it, fireman !
but the other side of it, it is a good practise because we never know when Mr Fire would come and lick us, hewhew hahaha
so what are we having at 247 am ?
we were like busying finished up those business plan
and I just had my shower after Deko's simbah Partayyyy :)
Begun with those popping sound that we were like " what's the hell is that? " then suddenly in second, those lights turn off and the bell rang like too noisy, arghhhh
I'LL KILL THOSE FIREMAN, hewhew joking don't sue me :)
Then we heard people was like panic and ran down to staircases to save life,
we did the same thing to, grab anything especially handphones and keys to lock the door and put those laptop in sleep mood :D *sempatlagikankan
Running down to dataran blok J then to clinic next to dataran blok C where the boys are there too for us to watch those demo.
Girls, I mean lots of them including us like in those sexy mood, who cares what you were wearing when it comes to dark, noisy and fire situation. When you looked at everyone especially what they are wearing, it was funny to me because we can detect what they had before coming down to the safe place.
Done with those fire demo, everyone went back to room.

so watch out :
# Be alert at anytime and everywhere
# Run and don't look back and no 'Makcik Limah' walking style
# Don't push anyone in front of you
# Don't forget to bring your handphone as to torch you the way
# Use the nearest staircases
# Don't panic. Just get out of the building as fast as you could
# Don't forget to lock you room as if you know it is only a practise
and the most important thing
# Don't be pending and loading and don't wear earpieces/earphones to bed
# Don't pretend like a superhero but stay calm and FAST
whatever it was, the girls FAILED to reach the time and we're bad in saving our own life, women don't put enough alertness in ourselves.
Beware and watch out :)
That is for fire day, Thank you Mr Fireman. You did a good job and may you be blessed :)
September baby,

Happiness for us seeing everyone who celebrate their birthday with such a bless from friends :), double meaning tuh. The things are do we really have to have those 'simbah' thingy ? Let's say if it's not really a good habit but we still practising it until now, macam tu baru happening kan kan kan :)macam orang muda muda cakap, baru cukup rasanye sampai orang yang tak kena 'simbah' macam bit loser since then people tak ingat their birthday, That's too lame. Don't believe it ! For a god sake, we do 'simbah' as we are enjoying and celebrating the one who have their birthday :)
For me even, I hate this kind of thing because they will throw you away with water, flour and eggs as a basic ingredients then only if you're lucky, you'll get the special ingredients called 'bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali'.
Besides, it's like the other kind of suprise which mean a thriller part before the wonderful part having those cakes and cheers :)
I had once and that time I really can't escaped because I have nowhere to run because it is like at the beach, Tanjung Batu precisely. Haha
I had those eggs flying to my head making my hijab and hairs are dirty stinky smelly. Ohmygod, you should smell me and adding up with those beach water. I'd been thrown into the beach and that was awesomeeeee ! awesome lah sangat :D
but then, it was like repay time because I used to be the one yang sangat excited untuk kenakan orang, haaa hambek kauuuuu :D
so, today 20 sept 2011 is your turn Deko ! your turn !
Deko atau dikenali dengan panggilan manis Nazila Che Mat yang kepala selalu kenakan orang, today is your pay back time, padan muka kau sayanggg ! kahkahkah
okay, its begin like this . . .
Last minute planning with Amirah, Yusnita and Ecah. Asked Ecah to arrange the timing with Azilah then the fun moment begin by calling Sara, ketua blok tuuuu to join us.
We were like waiting at the corner side of Blok H, Then when we heard the Deko's foot steps with her noisy mouth potpetpotpet,
There you are ! the things begun !
but the funniest thing were I fell down after throwing those maggi busuk to her, slippery sangat kot hahaha and Sara end up like " kenapa baju aku kena bedak ? "
That's the funniest thing I can't tell here because it's too funny to tell in words haha :D
Just hoping Deko had her blast birthday and enjoy those bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali !
Besides that, I think it's not too late to wish September babies since there are like full list of the-person-I-know-born-in-September :)
Lot's of Love to . . .
2nd Sharifah Nordiana Maihan, the part of my life
9th Muhd Imran, the bestfriendforever
11th Ahmad Shakir Zuhri, the second brother
14th Saidaton Nisa, the bestgirlfriendforever
17th Muhammad Farhan, the soulandscrath :)
18th Nurul Hidayah Elna, the classmate
20th Nazila, the madagascar gang
with love, I wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and have a blast!
Hugsandkisses* May you rock the world and win the day after. ♥

Happiness for us seeing everyone who celebrate their birthday with such a bless from friends :), double meaning tuh. The things are do we really have to have those 'simbah' thingy ? Let's say if it's not really a good habit but we still practising it until now, macam tu baru happening kan kan kan :)macam orang muda muda cakap, baru cukup rasanye sampai orang yang tak kena 'simbah' macam bit loser since then people tak ingat their birthday, That's too lame. Don't believe it ! For a god sake, we do 'simbah' as we are enjoying and celebrating the one who have their birthday :)
For me even, I hate this kind of thing because they will throw you away with water, flour and eggs as a basic ingredients then only if you're lucky, you'll get the special ingredients called 'bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali'.
Besides, it's like the other kind of suprise which mean a thriller part before the wonderful part having those cakes and cheers :)
I had once and that time I really can't escaped because I have nowhere to run because it is like at the beach, Tanjung Batu precisely. Haha
I had those eggs flying to my head making my hijab and hairs are dirty stinky smelly. Ohmygod, you should smell me and adding up with those beach water. I'd been thrown into the beach and that was awesomeeeee ! awesome lah sangat :D
but then, it was like repay time because I used to be the one yang sangat excited untuk kenakan orang, haaa hambek kauuuuu :D
so, today 20 sept 2011 is your turn Deko ! your turn !
Deko atau dikenali dengan panggilan manis Nazila Che Mat yang kepala selalu kenakan orang, today is your pay back time, padan muka kau sayanggg ! kahkahkah
okay, its begin like this . . .
Last minute planning with Amirah, Yusnita and Ecah. Asked Ecah to arrange the timing with Azilah then the fun moment begin by calling Sara, ketua blok tuuuu to join us.
We were like waiting at the corner side of Blok H, Then when we heard the Deko's foot steps with her noisy mouth potpetpotpet,
There you are ! the things begun !
but the funniest thing were I fell down after throwing those maggi busuk to her, slippery sangat kot hahaha and Sara end up like " kenapa baju aku kena bedak ? "
That's the funniest thing I can't tell here because it's too funny to tell in words haha :D
Just hoping Deko had her blast birthday and enjoy those bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali !
Besides that, I think it's not too late to wish September babies since there are like full list of the-person-I-know-born-in-September :)
Lot's of Love to . . .
2nd Sharifah Nordiana Maihan, the part of my life
9th Muhd Imran, the bestfriendforever
11th Ahmad Shakir Zuhri, the second brother
14th Saidaton Nisa, the bestgirlfriendforever
17th Muhammad Farhan, the soulandscrath :)
18th Nurul Hidayah Elna, the classmate
20th Nazila, the madagascar gang
with love, I wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and have a blast!
Hugsandkisses* May you rock the world and win the day after. ♥
Friday, September 16
Full marks 40, Fulammak :)
Reuse or do another one ?
okay Reuse this blog for SSK 1000,
The assignment is to create a blog with 3 daily journals
which the contents are 4 marks,
so nak merapu apa tah nanti :D
so, Welcome Encik Rezalman.
This is just being the intro for the begining of the assignment :)
okay Reuse this blog for SSK 1000,
The assignment is to create a blog with 3 daily journals
which the contents are 4 marks,
so nak merapu apa tah nanti :D
so, Welcome Encik Rezalman.
This is just being the intro for the begining of the assignment :)
Raya moments :)
Semangat Raya masih ada sik kitak orang ?
Eventho Raya celebration will be up for a month,
people esp kids will enjoy the moments but not for adult
getting busy back to face the works, oic Life :)
My Raya celebration ?

Alhamdulillah, this year even I felt the incompleteness but
God always made it complete :)
Thank you Allah and I love you more ♥
starting in the morning with the kids shouting and calling
"Assalamualaikummmmmm, shaye nak laye ni !"
How cute isn't,
Then, came one family that I even don't know padahal ada lah tu pertalian,
awwwww, I'm melting habes on the first Raya. The one called 'Achik' !
The best part of Raya was these,
I miss you grandpa and grandma esp you grandpa,
sampai I tak tertahan dah airmata sebab sebak sangat.

Then barulah meriah pergi beraya mengenyangkan perut yang comel hehe
balik then tidur.
Next day start with the journeys.
Kuala Terengganu- Kuala Lumpur .
Kata raya, raya 1 Malaysia lahhhh :)
Eventho Raya celebration will be up for a month,
people esp kids will enjoy the moments but not for adult
getting busy back to face the works, oic Life :)
My Raya celebration ?

Alhamdulillah, this year even I felt the incompleteness but
God always made it complete :)
Thank you Allah and I love you more ♥
starting in the morning with the kids shouting and calling
"Assalamualaikummmmmm, shaye nak laye ni !"
How cute isn't,
Then, came one family that I even don't know padahal ada lah tu pertalian,
awwwww, I'm melting habes on the first Raya. The one called 'Achik' !
The best part of Raya was these,
I miss you grandpa and grandma esp you grandpa,
sampai I tak tertahan dah airmata sebab sebak sangat.

Then barulah meriah pergi beraya mengenyangkan perut yang comel hehe
balik then tidur.
Next day start with the journeys.
Kuala Terengganu- Kuala Lumpur .
Kata raya, raya 1 Malaysia lahhhh :)
Thursday, September 15
Be Strong Woman, don't cry :)
Their heart are too soft eventho they look strong outside.
I am the observer and also a woman.
woman live with lots of secret but yet woman are not that secretive.
I watched and still watching the phenomena where,
woman cry a lot,
either they cry hard for things that are so miserable
or they cry for the happiness they have.
but back to the first thing,
what really make these women cried ?
1. Boys
2. Jealousy
3. Break up
4. Missing
5. Misunderstanding
6. Lonely
I think that are the most reasons why women cry like every seconds and days.
Everything gonna be about being in relationship.
I think, single woman cry lesser than one with a boyfriend.
why I bring up this issue, it is because I hate those tears cause by boys and I hate watching my girlfriends getting crazy cry all day long because of this creature and I hate myself getting hurt and hurt because of these.
I say NO to Tears :)
because for me crying will make one weak esp woman, please boys. You have to know that whenever they cry, they are really in pain, deep pain.
I don't deny in every relationships with man there's always up and down, no one can escape because we were made to be that way, but man don't hurt those woman so badly. you believe in karma, what goes around comes around.
okay, here are something we might see clearly
# when woman falls for the man, she only have him but when he say he doesn't want her anymore, she will live like a dying person.
# when woman get angry with the man mainly because PEREMPUAN, man always act they are naive and they say sorry but they will do it again but the woman still cry.
# when man get angry with the woman mainly because LELAKI, woman cry hard begging that she's not wrong but man still with his anger.
# fact that man sometimes can be really mean to woman because they know woman are weak and they're stronger.
# sometimes, woman gedik jugak, benda boleh jadi okay nak jugak terjebak dalam problems.
so who hurt and cry more ?
are there anything can we do to face these tears problem ?
NOTHING. but woman please be strong, don't act weak to man and think like thousand of times that don't treat yourself that kind of way crying for the sake of man. but please, as you miss him it is natural for the tears to drop but put a smile and text him something really sweet and make yourself busy. If they are not around, think about them because the other way to make people remember about you is sincerely remember them.Then, try to solve those problems with the brilliant ways :)
I just hate to see woman getting weak because of man. Seriously I hate it, I felt that way too and I know how hurt that would be, please woman be strong ! that's the best thing I'll ever say to you whenever you in need of supports :)
" Boys, don't make promises and choices even don't have more because it'll be hurt when you're not keeping the promises, do a wrong choices and playing with the heart of woman. Please DON'T ! "
I only get C in my Love test but I learned from experiences and surrounding :)
Their heart are too soft eventho they look strong outside.
I am the observer and also a woman.
woman live with lots of secret but yet woman are not that secretive.
I watched and still watching the phenomena where,
woman cry a lot,
either they cry hard for things that are so miserable
or they cry for the happiness they have.
but back to the first thing,
what really make these women cried ?
1. Boys
2. Jealousy
3. Break up
4. Missing
5. Misunderstanding
6. Lonely
I think that are the most reasons why women cry like every seconds and days.
Everything gonna be about being in relationship.
I think, single woman cry lesser than one with a boyfriend.
why I bring up this issue, it is because I hate those tears cause by boys and I hate watching my girlfriends getting crazy cry all day long because of this creature and I hate myself getting hurt and hurt because of these.
I say NO to Tears :)
because for me crying will make one weak esp woman, please boys. You have to know that whenever they cry, they are really in pain, deep pain.
I don't deny in every relationships with man there's always up and down, no one can escape because we were made to be that way, but man don't hurt those woman so badly. you believe in karma, what goes around comes around.
okay, here are something we might see clearly
# when woman falls for the man, she only have him but when he say he doesn't want her anymore, she will live like a dying person.
# when woman get angry with the man mainly because PEREMPUAN, man always act they are naive and they say sorry but they will do it again but the woman still cry.
# when man get angry with the woman mainly because LELAKI, woman cry hard begging that she's not wrong but man still with his anger.
# fact that man sometimes can be really mean to woman because they know woman are weak and they're stronger.
# sometimes, woman gedik jugak, benda boleh jadi okay nak jugak terjebak dalam problems.
so who hurt and cry more ?
are there anything can we do to face these tears problem ?
NOTHING. but woman please be strong, don't act weak to man and think like thousand of times that don't treat yourself that kind of way crying for the sake of man. but please, as you miss him it is natural for the tears to drop but put a smile and text him something really sweet and make yourself busy. If they are not around, think about them because the other way to make people remember about you is sincerely remember them.Then, try to solve those problems with the brilliant ways :)
I just hate to see woman getting weak because of man. Seriously I hate it, I felt that way too and I know how hurt that would be, please woman be strong ! that's the best thing I'll ever say to you whenever you in need of supports :)
" Boys, don't make promises and choices even don't have more because it'll be hurt when you're not keeping the promises, do a wrong choices and playing with the heart of woman. Please DON'T ! "
I only get C in my Love test but I learned from experiences and surrounding :)
Wednesday, September 14
Biase lah tu,
Long time no see,
Long time no news :)
even lappy depan mata, nak update blog ni memerlukan iltizam yang tinggi, cewahh
Hey kawan - kawan, Apa khabar awak :)
I knew it's too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya,
and now I know everyone are busy with assignments back and yeah Final, right ?
same goes to me here as well, tons of final reports and final presentations and final examination. Semuanya nak final and blurbbb Final Destination gempak :)
Hewhew, and even I'm not in a good condition fever fever, go away don't come again another day. Selama I sakit ni kan, I just keep it silent not to tell my parents sebab nnt mesti everyday ma call tanye okay tak, so I malas nak bother orang lain.
I don't want anyone to be worry, sebab nanti tak nampak lah I mcm superman :)
but I ada terfikir, kenapa kita bersusah payah kesah pasal future orang lain yang orang tu sikit pun tak kesah pasal diri sendiri ?
kadang - kadang rasa sia sia je semua tu, apa yang kita patut buat sekarang tunggu dan lihat je perkembangan hidup dia.
But sincerely, I don't want you to fall back and cry later then regret everything at the end of it, does not worth it dear but I can't do nothing because I'm too speechless here, only you can make a difference, one day it will .
"How much I love you,that's doesn't mean I want you, but I just want to see great things in you because if you keep on being this way, I'm tired and I don't even want you to be part of me. "
Long time no news :)
even lappy depan mata, nak update blog ni memerlukan iltizam yang tinggi, cewahh
Hey kawan - kawan, Apa khabar awak :)
I knew it's too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya,
and now I know everyone are busy with assignments back and yeah Final, right ?
same goes to me here as well, tons of final reports and final presentations and final examination. Semuanya nak final and blurbbb Final Destination gempak :)
Hewhew, and even I'm not in a good condition fever fever, go away don't come again another day. Selama I sakit ni kan, I just keep it silent not to tell my parents sebab nnt mesti everyday ma call tanye okay tak, so I malas nak bother orang lain.
I don't want anyone to be worry, sebab nanti tak nampak lah I mcm superman :)
but I ada terfikir, kenapa kita bersusah payah kesah pasal future orang lain yang orang tu sikit pun tak kesah pasal diri sendiri ?
kadang - kadang rasa sia sia je semua tu, apa yang kita patut buat sekarang tunggu dan lihat je perkembangan hidup dia.
But sincerely, I don't want you to fall back and cry later then regret everything at the end of it, does not worth it dear but I can't do nothing because I'm too speechless here, only you can make a difference, one day it will .
"How much I love you,that's doesn't mean I want you, but I just want to see great things in you because if you keep on being this way, I'm tired and I don't even want you to be part of me. "
Friday, August 26
Meet Miss bamtut :)

Spent a quality time with Nurul Amiza Nadhirah.
yes, even timing always making us far a side and
not having a chances to meet each other,
today the time has lose and we win :)
2 hours spending a time for shopping with you is worth it even it was so fast.
you've to know how much I miss to have time with you
because before this during our schooling time,
we were like sticking like a glue and paper, everywhere.
We always spending time for a shop :)
seriously, I miss those beautiful moment .
p/s time fly too fast. Don't go Ramadhan.
Wednesday, August 24
I talk much.
Things when it comes to me,
# I don't practise thinking nonsense.
# I don't simply remember person's birthdate even they're my brothers.
# I'm not really good at numbers so I'll count them triple times to justify the correct answer.
# I don't sleep easily and I won't awake easily too
# I fart in silence but sometimes I do tell people before I fart.
# I hate looking at those beautiful person because I'll envy much.
# I will stare for a long time at you and start making those unpredictable faces.
# I hate people to torture and physco me.
# I laugh LOUD.
# When I was angry and tense up, I'll eat a lot like A LOT because I can't be full
# When I love the person, I'll only love them and dislike others
# I'll be the annoying person when it come to face those Lipassss !
# I do physco people.
# I usually act arrogant but the fact is I don't !
# If I hate you, I will totally ignore.
# I love plans and I'll makesure the plans done successfully
# I'm a hot tempered and moody person.
# I simply don't answer my mom whenever she asked something because I used to be that way.
# I love to talk as loud as I could with Nazlia because she did it too.
# I will at least once call Farhan everyday just to hear his voice even I hate him.
# I will easily annoyed with people I close with because I love them :)
# I hate cats at block.
# I love to be alone more than being accompany.
# when it comes to love story, I failed. give me C.
# I don't care much about other people but they did care much about me,
# Every boys that fall for me will not easily telling me the truths but hide till one end.
# I love white roses and I had it from someone already.
# I need a boyfriend, do I ?
# I live to study and eat.
# I can be totally positive to you whenever you're positive to me, but don't be beyond the limits. It's a warning :)
Just to describe a positive and negative side of me, don't judge a book by it's cover but learn the book till the last page.
That's for now, I love youuuuu :)
Precious, you are ?
Hello women and gentlemen,
As we talk about precious,
what's really come up to your mind ?
wrong me if I'm talking crap here, but does anything is just precious to you ?
for me, something that is precious is something that are really mean something to you and it is worth it for you to protect and care bout it with what you have.
here comes the story, after watching the movie it suddenly pop up to my mind regarding these big thing.

What are the really precious things to you ?
Watch this movie and feel the suffer Precious went through out her life,
how hard it is if we are in her shoes. bare in your mind never ever get other people's life like a jokes to us but take the life as the guide for us to improve in our own life. That's simple.
Through out the movie, it taught me how a mother could silently watch her precious daughter that she loves being rape by her own lover, why can't she even protect her ?
It is the best that the mother could do ? don't be like her and else don't blame her.
Let me tell you, for girls the most precious thing is you yourself but looking back to this movie, she have nothing else left for herself. she raped. she even have 2 children when the first one was born on the floor while her mother stepping and act harsh towards her. She can't read. she always be silent. she was kicked out from the school as she's pregnant. her mother hates her. she have no money. she always dreams of having a boyfriend and being pretty. she hope that she was born with white skin, long hair and beautiful.she is just a teenage like us who dream the good things.
do you see how suffer she is compared to us who richly live in happiness with all the love, joy, money, attention and friends ?
Seriously, I can't take it when watching girls especially to be abused !
but do you know that she is strong, she went to the alternative school where she could learn, talk, having friends and loves. She never give up hopes to learn a simple ABC as long as she could teach her children and not end up growing like her before. She's so precious, and now she's surrounding by the angels that never lose hope to guide her till the end.
because she knows, the longest journey begin with a single step.
so what are the precious things in you ? ask yourself and protect 'em :)
Monday, August 22
I see ho me :)
Hello semenanjung, welcome home people :)
24 hours before,
I was struggling to finish up the assignment with all the spirit to come home.
After successfully finish em up, It was so heaven, man :) by the time I did finished packing, it was 4 am in the morning thus it's a dangerous zone to have a sleep, silapsilap terlepas flight.
15 hours before,
getting ready to leave F209 and Yusnita, :(
get to the airport by bus and boarded.
sometimes, when we used to do the same thing everyday,
we will definitely will miss the moment spent for the next day,
" I've started to miss
them already, :( "
10 hours before,
landed smoothly, good job captain pilot :)
you make the time fly fast. All the way I was as sleep
because it was too sleepy.
Oh no, everybody like went back already.
Where is my dad ? one hour waiting was so boring.
8 hours before,
went to bangi to meet cousins, aunty and uncle but I tend to sleep
until we went back. Headache attacked ! I was so not in the mood to have the fun
then my dad sent me home to have a good sleep. It was so cold.
2 hours before
I woke up and hello there, ayam golek oh damn so like my favourite :)
now I'm having the headache and feel like vomiting.choi
but the best thing is I'm homeeeee !
Nazila and Nur Amirah <3
24 hours before,
I was struggling to finish up the assignment with all the spirit to come home.
After successfully finish em up, It was so heaven, man :) by the time I did finished packing, it was 4 am in the morning thus it's a dangerous zone to have a sleep, silapsilap terlepas flight.
15 hours before,

getting ready to leave F209 and Yusnita, :(
get to the airport by bus and boarded.
sometimes, when we used to do the same thing everyday,
we will definitely will miss the moment spent for the next day,
" I've started to miss
them already, :( "
10 hours before,
landed smoothly, good job captain pilot :)
you make the time fly fast. All the way I was as sleep
because it was too sleepy.
Oh no, everybody like went back already.
Where is my dad ? one hour waiting was so boring.
8 hours before,
went to bangi to meet cousins, aunty and uncle but I tend to sleep
until we went back. Headache attacked ! I was so not in the mood to have the fun
then my dad sent me home to have a good sleep. It was so cold.
2 hours before
I woke up and hello there, ayam golek oh damn so like my favourite :)
now I'm having the headache and feel like vomiting.choi
but the best thing is I'm homeeeee !

Nazila and Nur Amirah <3
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