Happiness for us seeing everyone who celebrate their birthday with such a bless from friends :), double meaning tuh. The things are do we really have to have those 'simbah' thingy ? Let's say if it's not really a good habit but we still practising it until now, macam tu baru happening kan kan kan :)macam orang muda muda cakap, baru cukup rasanye sampai orang yang tak kena 'simbah' macam bit loser since then people tak ingat their birthday, That's too lame. Don't believe it ! For a god sake, we do 'simbah' as we are enjoying and celebrating the one who have their birthday :)
For me even, I hate this kind of thing because they will throw you away with water, flour and eggs as a basic ingredients then only if you're lucky, you'll get the special ingredients called 'bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali'.
Besides, it's like the other kind of suprise which mean a thriller part before the wonderful part having those cakes and cheers :)
I had once and that time I really can't escaped because I have nowhere to run because it is like at the beach, Tanjung Batu precisely. Haha
I had those eggs flying to my head making my hijab and hairs are dirty stinky smelly. Ohmygod, you should smell me and adding up with those beach water. I'd been thrown into the beach and that was awesomeeeee ! awesome lah sangat :D
but then, it was like repay time because I used to be the one yang sangat excited untuk kenakan orang, haaa hambek kauuuuu :D
so, today 20 sept 2011 is your turn Deko ! your turn !
Deko atau dikenali dengan panggilan manis Nazila Che Mat yang kepala selalu kenakan orang, today is your pay back time, padan muka kau sayanggg ! kahkahkah
okay, its begin like this . . .
Last minute planning with Amirah, Yusnita and Ecah. Asked Ecah to arrange the timing with Azilah then the fun moment begin by calling Sara, ketua blok tuuuu to join us.
We were like waiting at the corner side of Blok H, Then when we heard the Deko's foot steps with her noisy mouth potpetpotpet,
There you are ! the things begun !
but the funniest thing were I fell down after throwing those maggi busuk to her, slippery sangat kot hahaha and Sara end up like " kenapa baju aku kena bedak ? "
That's the funniest thing I can't tell here because it's too funny to tell in words haha :D
Just hoping Deko had her blast birthday and enjoy those bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali !
Besides that, I think it's not too late to wish September babies since there are like full list of the-person-I-know-born-in-September :)
Lot's of Love to . . .
2nd Sharifah Nordiana Maihan, the part of my life
9th Muhd Imran, the bestfriendforever
11th Ahmad Shakir Zuhri, the second brother
14th Saidaton Nisa, the bestgirlfriendforever
17th Muhammad Farhan, the soulandscrath :)
18th Nurul Hidayah Elna, the classmate
20th Nazila, the madagascar gang
with love, I wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and have a blast!
Hugsandkisses* May you rock the world and win the day after. ♥