I tertidur without realized that I was sleeping yesterday.
Fine. Missing one day.
but it's never too late to tell you dear blog that I'm happy yesterday :)
okay, Can I question this out ?
Why on earth that I was really rajinnnnn gile this few days ?
Tell me what to do, I'll do it without a force.
I hope this will last forever because I feel good and calm this way.
before talking bout today, let's me tell you bout my yesterday,blogie :)
I had a date with Mija, we made castard puding which by mean she was teaching me !
See, don't be suprise that I love to cook now. This is because I feel that this is so important for me for my future. To be extra ordinary person, we need to know everything ! *merepek jangan layan*
somehow, it's important. No doubt.
Today ? haha I feel so calm lying on my bed and thinking of nothing. Listening to music and smiling all over again. Why ? I don't know ! Maybe today is the turn to spend a whole time with me :) myself lahhhh.
by the way, Can I ask ?
Couple itu haram ke ?
I read and somehow listen to the others saying it's haram to have a realationship with a boy which is non muhrim. I knew it's true.
but it's not a mistake to love or to be in love with a boy. It's a part of the big circle of love, kan? What I understand from 'Couple itu haram' is something you dating a guy and make unproper things. *youknowitbetter* Yelah, a part being in relationship, you think it somehow having a license to touch each other which is haram and Couple itu haram sebab nak menjauhkan kita daripada maksiat yang bakal kita lakukan. I think. Just, when having a relationship for me it's alright but you have to care about this and that. Ikut cara islam. kannnn ? *Talk like perfect,kelakar*
Somehow, you have to know Nabi Muhammad pun mengajar kita untuk lebih baik mendiamkan pertunangan kita tetapi menghebahkan perkahwinan kita untuk mengelakkan fitnah. I read another article saying "It's not good mentioning your relationship with a guy yang bukan muhrim at facebook" It somehow can lead to fitnah. But for me, it's depends on your perception jugak.
For me, if it haram. It's better to stay away because you ain't lose anything but u can have those pahala. But if you think what you are doing will not making any harm to yourself and others,
Just take it positively but let Islam come first before dunia. Get what I mean?
I also love to be in love which mean to love and be in love with a guy, but until now, I haven't have one yet. I always question that to myself and best friends. When I think about it again, it isn't necessary for now asthou I wanna get married now. Allah knows the best, that's also be the answer for my crap question.
Oh, one more. If we love someone, do we really need to tell them ? As I read, in Islam it's better not to tell because it will make the feels gone but as in life we are encouraging to tell the one we love that we love them. This is because phsycologically, humans and words make the feelings better.*Get what I mean ?* It's a need to tell the person we love that we're in love with them because if not they'll go away and you'll regret. That's the phenomenon in life. So what is actually could we based for ? Tell or not to tell ?
For me, emmmm I will tell if only I really love them and just wanting them to know. But I ain't not to be obses about that because Allah knows the best for me. :)
Haha. Things like this sometimes making me thinking and wanted the best answers.
This is just my thoughts and it's maybe wrong because I'm not perfect nor too religious. I want the best answers from the best people that are good in this. :)