Honestly today I feel lifeless which mean Imma too lazy to do anything.
But still, I cleaned the kitchen and packed the things.

Have you ever wonder on something ?
I wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why. *baling kasut*
Get serious. Everytime I think bout something it'll making me nagging and not being grateful for what that I had.
Too much mumbled bout something in life are so not good because it'll make your life boring. It's something that you need to go with the flow and take everything good as your guidance and everything bad as your experience in life.
So today I just wanna mumble bout being single.
The phrase bout being single sometimes is a tragic moment for some who can't bear to be alone. Oh well said, single people are not alone because they're surround by many friends. Bout you being single is something like you being strong enough to stand alone in this mighty world that full of imperfections.Bout being single is mean they're are more comfort to be with emself more than to share their life with others which some might not appreciate it.
So do we, the single person is a total loser to you?
Do we really need to be in a relationship with a guy to make everything perfect?
Do you really think we're not happy for being single all the time?
In fact I shout NOOOOOOO!
That might be the positive part of being single but negatively most people think that we cannot commit to the commitment with another half of us. By mean we're afraid !
Some people might think that we're too choosy for repeatedly rejecting this one than that one and at last not having one. Okay, there's some more where most people think the single person is a loner and attempting to flirt all the way with any guys/girls *based on your gender* because they really can't choose because they're perfectionist.

For me, I don't simply reject the negative part of being single because it's totally true, Don't you think that so?
But in every negative there must be a positive part. So I, as a single person for almost 6 years having a thoughts of it is alright for me not to have the special boyfriend because I have more needs in my life that are more important than having one but if there is, It's a bonus for me.
People used to ask. Sometimes, I'll question them back. Why you need one when you can have more ?
Okay, more here is not boyfriends but bestfriends.
but the answers for why are these :
1. Simply I don't ready for the serious relationship or even one-minute-relationship because when I start to love someone, I just afraid to lose him.
2. I afraid to have the commitments.
3. I'm too choosy in choosing Guys.
4. One that I want is really hard to get but one that I don't really think on is there waiting.
5. Perfectionist in my own way. Guys can't deal with this. Sorry.
6. I don't have that Mr Right yet but I'm not seek for Mr Perfect. Damn noob
7. I enjoying my life with girlfriends, boyfriends, family and scandals which no one could get angry with me cause that's my own life. without sharing.
8. Even in Islam, they don't encourage that.
but young single lady, take note of this. You at least must exposed yourself to these environment which you can try a one-minute-relationship or having serious relationship or be friend with boys. You need these. Don't concentrate like 200% on your life and study. Give space to be hurt by boys. Give yourself chances to see what are there waiting for you in this world ? You need to feel the loves, hatred, joy, hurt because this making you strong enuff to survive later. So, it's better experience when you've to deal with any crisis like divorce later on in future.
Who knows right ?
For me, as long as you're happy that's enuff. I know how to love people is actually pain. despite of the happiness you gain, you have to contribute your tears and hardwork. Experiences are the best guidance to be stronger in life after Islam :)
So,am I really wanna stay single ?
So far yes.
I don't want that but I want to be friends with guys.
They cool. :)
So, you must have your own reasons bout being single, right ?
No one would understand you more, so don't listen to them when you really don't want to :)
yet # If a taurus chooses to have a relationship with you, count yourself Lucky :)
Thank you friends for loving me for who I am. Sayam korang *campak bunga ros*