Eventho Raya celebration will be up for a month,
people esp kids will enjoy the moments but not for adult
getting busy back to face the works, oic Life :)
My Raya celebration ?

Alhamdulillah, this year even I felt the incompleteness but
God always made it complete :)
Thank you Allah and I love you more ♥
starting in the morning with the kids shouting and calling
"Assalamualaikummmmmm, shaye nak laye ni !"
How cute isn't,
Then, came one family that I even don't know padahal ada lah tu pertalian,
awwwww, I'm melting habes on the first Raya. The one called 'Achik' !
The best part of Raya was these,
I miss you grandpa and grandma esp you grandpa,
sampai I tak tertahan dah airmata sebab sebak sangat.

Then barulah meriah pergi beraya mengenyangkan perut yang comel hehe
balik then tidur.
Next day start with the journeys.
Kuala Terengganu- Kuala Lumpur .
Kata raya, raya 1 Malaysia lahhhh :)