hahaha tipu je, long lost unconnected girlfriend :)
I was waking up a bit earlier than usual but still kena nag dengan Ayah. Everything I did mesti kena komen, sabarlah ye :)
Then siap siap,terus out to meet her. Sorry lambat cause I've to wait for my dad yang nak masak dan makan dulu. As wish I can drive legally ! -_________-"
Then, meet at ECM -________-" Tahu tak apa itu ? Oh tu East Coast Mall. Tu je yang ada dekat Kuantan ni. meowmeowwwww :)
Haha I langkah kanan today, I didn't have my lunch nor breakfast at home, but what's for my lunch was Pizza. Thanks uncle and aunty for the treat.
If you're 18 and above, watch this so called boring-long-sexual-funny-love movie :)
okay, I don't deny it was too long and boring at time but it's not boring in term of boring, It's just like not suitable for movie at cinema, maybe movie at home will be fine, which I mean like homeboxoffice, HBO. The story line was cool and funny because Anna Farris always act like a dumb one :) with evans awww handsome okay :) I think I don't want to share the story line but I just promoted that this will be fun but watch with girls, because there too horny there in movie :)
Hey girls, whats your number ? me ? zerooooo !

Then I went for shopping ! seems like I didn't shop for long time. Long lah sangat, hehe :D Bought flat shoes, jeans and other things. ouchh I'm happy !
Oh, my mum balik esokkkkkk.
Hopefully she'll back here in Kuantan safely, okay Allah?
I can't wait to see what she had bought for me !
having fun with you and I bet that we didn't talk a lot just now ! When should we have the heart to heart talk ? Wanna meet you again ! A promise ! :)

p/s I ate a lot. Pizza,mash potato,pop corn, kfc and roti tampal mamak mari oh kari da kawkaw.Who cares ? :)