Hello women and gentlemen,
As we talk about precious,
what's really come up to your mind ?
wrong me if I'm talking crap here, but does anything is just precious to you ?
for me, something that is precious is something that are really mean something to you and it is worth it for you to protect and care bout it with what you have.
here comes the story, after watching the movie it suddenly pop up to my mind regarding these big thing.

What are the really precious things to you ?
Watch this movie and feel the suffer Precious went through out her life,
how hard it is if we are in her shoes. bare in your mind never ever get other people's life like a jokes to us but take the life as the guide for us to improve in our own life. That's simple.
Through out the movie, it taught me how a mother could silently watch her precious daughter that she loves being rape by her own lover, why can't she even protect her ?
It is the best that the mother could do ? don't be like her and else don't blame her.
Let me tell you, for girls the most precious thing is you yourself but looking back to this movie, she have nothing else left for herself. she raped. she even have 2 children when the first one was born on the floor while her mother stepping and act harsh towards her. She can't read. she always be silent. she was kicked out from the school as she's pregnant. her mother hates her. she have no money. she always dreams of having a boyfriend and being pretty. she hope that she was born with white skin, long hair and beautiful.she is just a teenage like us who dream the good things.
do you see how suffer she is compared to us who richly live in happiness with all the love, joy, money, attention and friends ?
Seriously, I can't take it when watching girls especially to be abused !
but do you know that she is strong, she went to the alternative school where she could learn, talk, having friends and loves. She never give up hopes to learn a simple ABC as long as she could teach her children and not end up growing like her before. She's so precious, and now she's surrounding by the angels that never lose hope to guide her till the end.
because she knows, the longest journey begin with a single step.
so what are the precious things in you ? ask yourself and protect 'em :)