Long time no see,
Long time no news :)
even lappy depan mata, nak update blog ni memerlukan iltizam yang tinggi, cewahh
Hey kawan - kawan, Apa khabar awak :)
I knew it's too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya,
and now I know everyone are busy with assignments back and yeah Final, right ?
same goes to me here as well, tons of final reports and final presentations and final examination. Semuanya nak final and blurbbb Final Destination gempak :)
Hewhew, and even I'm not in a good condition fever fever, go away don't come again another day. Selama I sakit ni kan, I just keep it silent not to tell my parents sebab nnt mesti everyday ma call tanye okay tak, so I malas nak bother orang lain.
I don't want anyone to be worry, sebab nanti tak nampak lah I mcm superman :)
but I ada terfikir, kenapa kita bersusah payah kesah pasal future orang lain yang orang tu sikit pun tak kesah pasal diri sendiri ?
kadang - kadang rasa sia sia je semua tu, apa yang kita patut buat sekarang tunggu dan lihat je perkembangan hidup dia.
But sincerely, I don't want you to fall back and cry later then regret everything at the end of it, does not worth it dear but I can't do nothing because I'm too speechless here, only you can make a difference, one day it will .
"How much I love you,that's doesn't mean I want you, but I just want to see great things in you because if you keep on being this way, I'm tired and I don't even want you to be part of me. "