Sunday, April 29

Driving & Riding Licenses made my life.

Berhabuknyeee blog ni. puh puh haccummmmmm !
Wah, dah makin update blogspot sekarang. Miahaha
Okay post ini tak akan ada gambar kecuali when I'm gradually passed the JPJ Test :) I decided to take these licenses because it's time. Yelah dah 20 years kalau takde license mcm noob sikit bak kata kwn kwn kannn ?
Dah pass lesen L, sekarang it's time for making P license which contributing the practicals. Honestly, I never touch the manual car and of course not a motorcycle ! So tahap kegigilan tu terserlah lah kan, but at least I do practice at home riding motorcycle but as usual, me iz so pemalas !
Car practical was okay but no awkward things happened ! I just love to learn more and more.
but then let me tell you dear wall on the day I rode the motorbike in the track. I WAS NERVOUS. Shaking. Parkinson mai dah ! but I don't limit myself for not doing it. I still did it. Semangat gila habes teging. At one point, Selekoh. Dah tak pandai balance. Pandai dan bijak untuk press minyak, Padan muka dan saya jatuh tergolek bersama motosikal tersebut. ohshemm ! Tapi no worries cause I'm okay and tak cedera pun. Jap, cedera sikit. cedera Mental sebab kesakitan hati dan tahap Malu tu sangat menebal ! but then lepas tu takde istilah cover ayu cover vain, aku mmg brutal. buat muka tak tahu malu and terus belajar until second time masuk, alhamdulillah me getting better ! Alhamdulillah. hehe :) but I still tak rasa bagus because me need more practices !
Just satu je, treating people nicely lah. Kita kan tengah belajar, salah tu perkara biasa cuma give us the chances to be better. Belajar setinggi mana pun, benda tu lain dengan benda ni. So jangan guna alasan belajar tinggi tapi tak pandai drive tu as tabiat sebab itu tak menjamin wahai semua cikgu sekolah memandu. Cerita dia kalau kau ajar murid seperti saya dengan bagus and TENANG, Kejap je pickupnye tapi kalau nak marah makihamun, memang tak berkat. Village. :D
So I've more classes to attend esp the riding class because I need to improve more and Mahir in these part. Wish me best of luck and pray hard for me okay? May me pass the JPJ easily and yeah boleh jadi driver korg lepas ni, ye ke ? :D