I need a deep breath.
Final just round the corner,
Good job for the dinner :)
I'm hoping that there is no more assignments to be settle during this study week,
cross the fingers, Take care !
I need home.
Tuesday, September 27
Tuesday, September 20
Assalamualaikum and hello readers,

Since today is Deko's birthday, so she treated us with pizza :)
Thank you Deko because we had like loads of food
and makansampaipenuhperutcomelneh, who cares :)
Here are the pictures of a moments we had just now,

I'm tired and full so now it's time to sleep.
Oh cannot okay, It's time to face the books because final just around the corner wee.
p/s : To be frank we were too tired and having not enough sleep because of those firedrill practise last night adding up with business plans to be done so we slept like a whole day today, hewhew

Since today is Deko's birthday, so she treated us with pizza :)
Thank you Deko because we had like loads of food
and makansampaipenuhperutcomelneh, who cares :)
Here are the pictures of a moments we had just now,

I'm tired and full so now it's time to sleep.
Oh cannot okay, It's time to face the books because final just around the corner wee.
p/s : To be frank we were too tired and having not enough sleep because of those firedrill practise last night adding up with business plans to be done so we slept like a whole day today, hewhew
Fire and Run lah !
Fire fire fire !
what should you do ?
RUNNNNNNNN with what you have and WEAR !
It seems like ridiculous having a firedrill practise at 248 in the morning which people might having a sweet dream and haa you ruined it, fireman !
but the other side of it, it is a good practise because we never know when Mr Fire would come and lick us, hewhew hahaha
so what are we having at 247 am ?
we were like busying finished up those business plan
and I just had my shower after Deko's simbah Partayyyy :)
Begun with those popping sound that we were like " what's the hell is that? " then suddenly in second, those lights turn off and the bell rang like too noisy, arghhhh
I'LL KILL THOSE FIREMAN, hewhew joking don't sue me :)
Then we heard people was like panic and ran down to staircases to save life,
we did the same thing to, grab anything especially handphones and keys to lock the door and put those laptop in sleep mood :D *sempatlagikankan
Running down to dataran blok J then to clinic next to dataran blok C where the boys are there too for us to watch those demo.
Girls, I mean lots of them including us like in those sexy mood, who cares what you were wearing when it comes to dark, noisy and fire situation. When you looked at everyone especially what they are wearing, it was funny to me because we can detect what they had before coming down to the safe place.
Done with those fire demo, everyone went back to room.

so watch out :
# Be alert at anytime and everywhere
# Run and don't look back and no 'Makcik Limah' walking style
# Don't push anyone in front of you
# Don't forget to bring your handphone as to torch you the way
# Use the nearest staircases
# Don't panic. Just get out of the building as fast as you could
# Don't forget to lock you room as if you know it is only a practise
and the most important thing
# Don't be pending and loading and don't wear earpieces/earphones to bed
# Don't pretend like a superhero but stay calm and FAST
whatever it was, the girls FAILED to reach the time and we're bad in saving our own life, women don't put enough alertness in ourselves.
Beware and watch out :)
That is for fire day, Thank you Mr Fireman. You did a good job and may you be blessed :)
what should you do ?
RUNNNNNNNN with what you have and WEAR !
It seems like ridiculous having a firedrill practise at 248 in the morning which people might having a sweet dream and haa you ruined it, fireman !
but the other side of it, it is a good practise because we never know when Mr Fire would come and lick us, hewhew hahaha
so what are we having at 247 am ?
we were like busying finished up those business plan
and I just had my shower after Deko's simbah Partayyyy :)
Begun with those popping sound that we were like " what's the hell is that? " then suddenly in second, those lights turn off and the bell rang like too noisy, arghhhh
I'LL KILL THOSE FIREMAN, hewhew joking don't sue me :)
Then we heard people was like panic and ran down to staircases to save life,
we did the same thing to, grab anything especially handphones and keys to lock the door and put those laptop in sleep mood :D *sempatlagikankan
Running down to dataran blok J then to clinic next to dataran blok C where the boys are there too for us to watch those demo.
Girls, I mean lots of them including us like in those sexy mood, who cares what you were wearing when it comes to dark, noisy and fire situation. When you looked at everyone especially what they are wearing, it was funny to me because we can detect what they had before coming down to the safe place.
Done with those fire demo, everyone went back to room.

so watch out :
# Be alert at anytime and everywhere
# Run and don't look back and no 'Makcik Limah' walking style
# Don't push anyone in front of you
# Don't forget to bring your handphone as to torch you the way
# Use the nearest staircases
# Don't panic. Just get out of the building as fast as you could
# Don't forget to lock you room as if you know it is only a practise
and the most important thing
# Don't be pending and loading and don't wear earpieces/earphones to bed
# Don't pretend like a superhero but stay calm and FAST
whatever it was, the girls FAILED to reach the time and we're bad in saving our own life, women don't put enough alertness in ourselves.
Beware and watch out :)
That is for fire day, Thank you Mr Fireman. You did a good job and may you be blessed :)
September baby,

Happiness for us seeing everyone who celebrate their birthday with such a bless from friends :), double meaning tuh. The things are do we really have to have those 'simbah' thingy ? Let's say if it's not really a good habit but we still practising it until now, macam tu baru happening kan kan kan :)macam orang muda muda cakap, baru cukup rasanye sampai orang yang tak kena 'simbah' macam bit loser since then people tak ingat their birthday, That's too lame. Don't believe it ! For a god sake, we do 'simbah' as we are enjoying and celebrating the one who have their birthday :)
For me even, I hate this kind of thing because they will throw you away with water, flour and eggs as a basic ingredients then only if you're lucky, you'll get the special ingredients called 'bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali'.
Besides, it's like the other kind of suprise which mean a thriller part before the wonderful part having those cakes and cheers :)
I had once and that time I really can't escaped because I have nowhere to run because it is like at the beach, Tanjung Batu precisely. Haha
I had those eggs flying to my head making my hijab and hairs are dirty stinky smelly. Ohmygod, you should smell me and adding up with those beach water. I'd been thrown into the beach and that was awesomeeeee ! awesome lah sangat :D
but then, it was like repay time because I used to be the one yang sangat excited untuk kenakan orang, haaa hambek kauuuuu :D
so, today 20 sept 2011 is your turn Deko ! your turn !
Deko atau dikenali dengan panggilan manis Nazila Che Mat yang kepala selalu kenakan orang, today is your pay back time, padan muka kau sayanggg ! kahkahkah
okay, its begin like this . . .
Last minute planning with Amirah, Yusnita and Ecah. Asked Ecah to arrange the timing with Azilah then the fun moment begin by calling Sara, ketua blok tuuuu to join us.
We were like waiting at the corner side of Blok H, Then when we heard the Deko's foot steps with her noisy mouth potpetpotpet,
There you are ! the things begun !
but the funniest thing were I fell down after throwing those maggi busuk to her, slippery sangat kot hahaha and Sara end up like " kenapa baju aku kena bedak ? "
That's the funniest thing I can't tell here because it's too funny to tell in words haha :D
Just hoping Deko had her blast birthday and enjoy those bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali !
Besides that, I think it's not too late to wish September babies since there are like full list of the-person-I-know-born-in-September :)
Lot's of Love to . . .
2nd Sharifah Nordiana Maihan, the part of my life
9th Muhd Imran, the bestfriendforever
11th Ahmad Shakir Zuhri, the second brother
14th Saidaton Nisa, the bestgirlfriendforever
17th Muhammad Farhan, the soulandscrath :)
18th Nurul Hidayah Elna, the classmate
20th Nazila, the madagascar gang
with love, I wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and have a blast!
Hugsandkisses* May you rock the world and win the day after. ♥

Happiness for us seeing everyone who celebrate their birthday with such a bless from friends :), double meaning tuh. The things are do we really have to have those 'simbah' thingy ? Let's say if it's not really a good habit but we still practising it until now, macam tu baru happening kan kan kan :)macam orang muda muda cakap, baru cukup rasanye sampai orang yang tak kena 'simbah' macam bit loser since then people tak ingat their birthday, That's too lame. Don't believe it ! For a god sake, we do 'simbah' as we are enjoying and celebrating the one who have their birthday :)
For me even, I hate this kind of thing because they will throw you away with water, flour and eggs as a basic ingredients then only if you're lucky, you'll get the special ingredients called 'bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali'.
Besides, it's like the other kind of suprise which mean a thriller part before the wonderful part having those cakes and cheers :)
I had once and that time I really can't escaped because I have nowhere to run because it is like at the beach, Tanjung Batu precisely. Haha
I had those eggs flying to my head making my hijab and hairs are dirty stinky smelly. Ohmygod, you should smell me and adding up with those beach water. I'd been thrown into the beach and that was awesomeeeee ! awesome lah sangat :D
but then, it was like repay time because I used to be the one yang sangat excited untuk kenakan orang, haaa hambek kauuuuu :D
so, today 20 sept 2011 is your turn Deko ! your turn !
Deko atau dikenali dengan panggilan manis Nazila Che Mat yang kepala selalu kenakan orang, today is your pay back time, padan muka kau sayanggg ! kahkahkah
okay, its begin like this . . .
Last minute planning with Amirah, Yusnita and Ecah. Asked Ecah to arrange the timing with Azilah then the fun moment begin by calling Sara, ketua blok tuuuu to join us.
We were like waiting at the corner side of Blok H, Then when we heard the Deko's foot steps with her noisy mouth potpetpotpet,
There you are ! the things begun !
but the funniest thing were I fell down after throwing those maggi busuk to her, slippery sangat kot hahaha and Sara end up like " kenapa baju aku kena bedak ? "
That's the funniest thing I can't tell here because it's too funny to tell in words haha :D
Just hoping Deko had her blast birthday and enjoy those bendapalingbusukkakucampurkansemuasekali !
Besides that, I think it's not too late to wish September babies since there are like full list of the-person-I-know-born-in-September :)
Lot's of Love to . . .
2nd Sharifah Nordiana Maihan, the part of my life
9th Muhd Imran, the bestfriendforever
11th Ahmad Shakir Zuhri, the second brother
14th Saidaton Nisa, the bestgirlfriendforever
17th Muhammad Farhan, the soulandscrath :)
18th Nurul Hidayah Elna, the classmate
20th Nazila, the madagascar gang
with love, I wish all of you a very Happy Birthday and have a blast!
Hugsandkisses* May you rock the world and win the day after. ♥
Friday, September 16
Full marks 40, Fulammak :)
Reuse or do another one ?
okay Reuse this blog for SSK 1000,
The assignment is to create a blog with 3 daily journals
which the contents are 4 marks,
so nak merapu apa tah nanti :D
so, Welcome Encik Rezalman.
This is just being the intro for the begining of the assignment :)
okay Reuse this blog for SSK 1000,
The assignment is to create a blog with 3 daily journals
which the contents are 4 marks,
so nak merapu apa tah nanti :D
so, Welcome Encik Rezalman.
This is just being the intro for the begining of the assignment :)
Raya moments :)
Semangat Raya masih ada sik kitak orang ?
Eventho Raya celebration will be up for a month,
people esp kids will enjoy the moments but not for adult
getting busy back to face the works, oic Life :)
My Raya celebration ?

Alhamdulillah, this year even I felt the incompleteness but
God always made it complete :)
Thank you Allah and I love you more ♥
starting in the morning with the kids shouting and calling
"Assalamualaikummmmmm, shaye nak laye ni !"
How cute isn't,
Then, came one family that I even don't know padahal ada lah tu pertalian,
awwwww, I'm melting habes on the first Raya. The one called 'Achik' !
The best part of Raya was these,
I miss you grandpa and grandma esp you grandpa,
sampai I tak tertahan dah airmata sebab sebak sangat.

Then barulah meriah pergi beraya mengenyangkan perut yang comel hehe
balik then tidur.
Next day start with the journeys.
Kuala Terengganu- Kuala Lumpur .
Kata raya, raya 1 Malaysia lahhhh :)
Eventho Raya celebration will be up for a month,
people esp kids will enjoy the moments but not for adult
getting busy back to face the works, oic Life :)
My Raya celebration ?

Alhamdulillah, this year even I felt the incompleteness but
God always made it complete :)
Thank you Allah and I love you more ♥
starting in the morning with the kids shouting and calling
"Assalamualaikummmmmm, shaye nak laye ni !"
How cute isn't,
Then, came one family that I even don't know padahal ada lah tu pertalian,
awwwww, I'm melting habes on the first Raya. The one called 'Achik' !
The best part of Raya was these,
I miss you grandpa and grandma esp you grandpa,
sampai I tak tertahan dah airmata sebab sebak sangat.

Then barulah meriah pergi beraya mengenyangkan perut yang comel hehe
balik then tidur.
Next day start with the journeys.
Kuala Terengganu- Kuala Lumpur .
Kata raya, raya 1 Malaysia lahhhh :)
Thursday, September 15
Be Strong Woman, don't cry :)
Their heart are too soft eventho they look strong outside.
I am the observer and also a woman.
woman live with lots of secret but yet woman are not that secretive.
I watched and still watching the phenomena where,
woman cry a lot,
either they cry hard for things that are so miserable
or they cry for the happiness they have.
but back to the first thing,
what really make these women cried ?
1. Boys
2. Jealousy
3. Break up
4. Missing
5. Misunderstanding
6. Lonely
I think that are the most reasons why women cry like every seconds and days.
Everything gonna be about being in relationship.
I think, single woman cry lesser than one with a boyfriend.
why I bring up this issue, it is because I hate those tears cause by boys and I hate watching my girlfriends getting crazy cry all day long because of this creature and I hate myself getting hurt and hurt because of these.
I say NO to Tears :)
because for me crying will make one weak esp woman, please boys. You have to know that whenever they cry, they are really in pain, deep pain.
I don't deny in every relationships with man there's always up and down, no one can escape because we were made to be that way, but man don't hurt those woman so badly. you believe in karma, what goes around comes around.
okay, here are something we might see clearly
# when woman falls for the man, she only have him but when he say he doesn't want her anymore, she will live like a dying person.
# when woman get angry with the man mainly because PEREMPUAN, man always act they are naive and they say sorry but they will do it again but the woman still cry.
# when man get angry with the woman mainly because LELAKI, woman cry hard begging that she's not wrong but man still with his anger.
# fact that man sometimes can be really mean to woman because they know woman are weak and they're stronger.
# sometimes, woman gedik jugak, benda boleh jadi okay nak jugak terjebak dalam problems.
so who hurt and cry more ?
are there anything can we do to face these tears problem ?
NOTHING. but woman please be strong, don't act weak to man and think like thousand of times that don't treat yourself that kind of way crying for the sake of man. but please, as you miss him it is natural for the tears to drop but put a smile and text him something really sweet and make yourself busy. If they are not around, think about them because the other way to make people remember about you is sincerely remember them.Then, try to solve those problems with the brilliant ways :)
I just hate to see woman getting weak because of man. Seriously I hate it, I felt that way too and I know how hurt that would be, please woman be strong ! that's the best thing I'll ever say to you whenever you in need of supports :)
" Boys, don't make promises and choices even don't have more because it'll be hurt when you're not keeping the promises, do a wrong choices and playing with the heart of woman. Please DON'T ! "
I only get C in my Love test but I learned from experiences and surrounding :)
Their heart are too soft eventho they look strong outside.
I am the observer and also a woman.
woman live with lots of secret but yet woman are not that secretive.
I watched and still watching the phenomena where,
woman cry a lot,
either they cry hard for things that are so miserable
or they cry for the happiness they have.
but back to the first thing,
what really make these women cried ?
1. Boys
2. Jealousy
3. Break up
4. Missing
5. Misunderstanding
6. Lonely
I think that are the most reasons why women cry like every seconds and days.
Everything gonna be about being in relationship.
I think, single woman cry lesser than one with a boyfriend.
why I bring up this issue, it is because I hate those tears cause by boys and I hate watching my girlfriends getting crazy cry all day long because of this creature and I hate myself getting hurt and hurt because of these.
I say NO to Tears :)
because for me crying will make one weak esp woman, please boys. You have to know that whenever they cry, they are really in pain, deep pain.
I don't deny in every relationships with man there's always up and down, no one can escape because we were made to be that way, but man don't hurt those woman so badly. you believe in karma, what goes around comes around.
okay, here are something we might see clearly
# when woman falls for the man, she only have him but when he say he doesn't want her anymore, she will live like a dying person.
# when woman get angry with the man mainly because PEREMPUAN, man always act they are naive and they say sorry but they will do it again but the woman still cry.
# when man get angry with the woman mainly because LELAKI, woman cry hard begging that she's not wrong but man still with his anger.
# fact that man sometimes can be really mean to woman because they know woman are weak and they're stronger.
# sometimes, woman gedik jugak, benda boleh jadi okay nak jugak terjebak dalam problems.
so who hurt and cry more ?
are there anything can we do to face these tears problem ?
NOTHING. but woman please be strong, don't act weak to man and think like thousand of times that don't treat yourself that kind of way crying for the sake of man. but please, as you miss him it is natural for the tears to drop but put a smile and text him something really sweet and make yourself busy. If they are not around, think about them because the other way to make people remember about you is sincerely remember them.Then, try to solve those problems with the brilliant ways :)
I just hate to see woman getting weak because of man. Seriously I hate it, I felt that way too and I know how hurt that would be, please woman be strong ! that's the best thing I'll ever say to you whenever you in need of supports :)
" Boys, don't make promises and choices even don't have more because it'll be hurt when you're not keeping the promises, do a wrong choices and playing with the heart of woman. Please DON'T ! "
I only get C in my Love test but I learned from experiences and surrounding :)
Wednesday, September 14
Biase lah tu,
Long time no see,
Long time no news :)
even lappy depan mata, nak update blog ni memerlukan iltizam yang tinggi, cewahh
Hey kawan - kawan, Apa khabar awak :)
I knew it's too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya,
and now I know everyone are busy with assignments back and yeah Final, right ?
same goes to me here as well, tons of final reports and final presentations and final examination. Semuanya nak final and blurbbb Final Destination gempak :)
Hewhew, and even I'm not in a good condition fever fever, go away don't come again another day. Selama I sakit ni kan, I just keep it silent not to tell my parents sebab nnt mesti everyday ma call tanye okay tak, so I malas nak bother orang lain.
I don't want anyone to be worry, sebab nanti tak nampak lah I mcm superman :)
but I ada terfikir, kenapa kita bersusah payah kesah pasal future orang lain yang orang tu sikit pun tak kesah pasal diri sendiri ?
kadang - kadang rasa sia sia je semua tu, apa yang kita patut buat sekarang tunggu dan lihat je perkembangan hidup dia.
But sincerely, I don't want you to fall back and cry later then regret everything at the end of it, does not worth it dear but I can't do nothing because I'm too speechless here, only you can make a difference, one day it will .
"How much I love you,that's doesn't mean I want you, but I just want to see great things in you because if you keep on being this way, I'm tired and I don't even want you to be part of me. "
Long time no news :)
even lappy depan mata, nak update blog ni memerlukan iltizam yang tinggi, cewahh
Hey kawan - kawan, Apa khabar awak :)
I knew it's too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya,
and now I know everyone are busy with assignments back and yeah Final, right ?
same goes to me here as well, tons of final reports and final presentations and final examination. Semuanya nak final and blurbbb Final Destination gempak :)
Hewhew, and even I'm not in a good condition fever fever, go away don't come again another day. Selama I sakit ni kan, I just keep it silent not to tell my parents sebab nnt mesti everyday ma call tanye okay tak, so I malas nak bother orang lain.
I don't want anyone to be worry, sebab nanti tak nampak lah I mcm superman :)
but I ada terfikir, kenapa kita bersusah payah kesah pasal future orang lain yang orang tu sikit pun tak kesah pasal diri sendiri ?
kadang - kadang rasa sia sia je semua tu, apa yang kita patut buat sekarang tunggu dan lihat je perkembangan hidup dia.
But sincerely, I don't want you to fall back and cry later then regret everything at the end of it, does not worth it dear but I can't do nothing because I'm too speechless here, only you can make a difference, one day it will .
"How much I love you,that's doesn't mean I want you, but I just want to see great things in you because if you keep on being this way, I'm tired and I don't even want you to be part of me. "
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