I tertidur without realized that I was sleeping yesterday.
Fine. Missing one day.
but it's never too late to tell you dear blog that I'm happy yesterday :)
okay, Can I question this out ?
Why on earth that I was really rajinnnnn gile this few days ?
Tell me what to do, I'll do it without a force.
I hope this will last forever because I feel good and calm this way.
before talking bout today, let's me tell you bout my yesterday,blogie :)
I had a date with Mija, we made castard puding which by mean she was teaching me !
See, don't be suprise that I love to cook now. This is because I feel that this is so important for me for my future. To be extra ordinary person, we need to know everything ! *merepek jangan layan*
somehow, it's important. No doubt.
Today ? haha I feel so calm lying on my bed and thinking of nothing. Listening to music and smiling all over again. Why ? I don't know ! Maybe today is the turn to spend a whole time with me :) myself lahhhh.
by the way, Can I ask ?
Couple itu haram ke ?
I read and somehow listen to the others saying it's haram to have a realationship with a boy which is non muhrim. I knew it's true.
but it's not a mistake to love or to be in love with a boy. It's a part of the big circle of love, kan? What I understand from 'Couple itu haram' is something you dating a guy and make unproper things. *youknowitbetter* Yelah, a part being in relationship, you think it somehow having a license to touch each other which is haram and Couple itu haram sebab nak menjauhkan kita daripada maksiat yang bakal kita lakukan. I think. Just, when having a relationship for me it's alright but you have to care about this and that. Ikut cara islam. kannnn ? *Talk like perfect,kelakar*
Somehow, you have to know Nabi Muhammad pun mengajar kita untuk lebih baik mendiamkan pertunangan kita tetapi menghebahkan perkahwinan kita untuk mengelakkan fitnah. I read another article saying "It's not good mentioning your relationship with a guy yang bukan muhrim at facebook" It somehow can lead to fitnah. But for me, it's depends on your perception jugak.
For me, if it haram. It's better to stay away because you ain't lose anything but u can have those pahala. But if you think what you are doing will not making any harm to yourself and others,
Just take it positively but let Islam come first before dunia. Get what I mean?
I also love to be in love which mean to love and be in love with a guy, but until now, I haven't have one yet. I always question that to myself and best friends. When I think about it again, it isn't necessary for now asthou I wanna get married now. Allah knows the best, that's also be the answer for my crap question.
Oh, one more. If we love someone, do we really need to tell them ? As I read, in Islam it's better not to tell because it will make the feels gone but as in life we are encouraging to tell the one we love that we love them. This is because phsycologically, humans and words make the feelings better.*Get what I mean ?* It's a need to tell the person we love that we're in love with them because if not they'll go away and you'll regret. That's the phenomenon in life. So what is actually could we based for ? Tell or not to tell ?
For me, emmmm I will tell if only I really love them and just wanting them to know. But I ain't not to be obses about that because Allah knows the best for me. :)
Haha. Things like this sometimes making me thinking and wanted the best answers.
This is just my thoughts and it's maybe wrong because I'm not perfect nor too religious. I want the best answers from the best people that are good in this. :)
Saturday, October 29
Friday, October 28
Day 5
What's up with today ?
I'm Happy !
Happy without No reasons. Fine. Feel calm and cool.
my mum had came back and bought me like what she promised.
HEAD TO TOE :) It's mean like she needs to buy everything for me.
So, I think she thinks of me a lot when she was there because she like bought evverything !
and HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY to my babyucks, Noor Nazlia binti Zainal Abidin.
"Everything that you need to know, you knew. That's making you are among the most important person to me"

That's all for today. I suddenly feel hatred and stupid for still thinking you.
ahhhh, you are not important anymore to me meaning
I'm Happy !
Happy without No reasons. Fine. Feel calm and cool.
my mum had came back and bought me like what she promised.
HEAD TO TOE :) It's mean like she needs to buy everything for me.
So, I think she thinks of me a lot when she was there because she like bought evverything !
and HAPPY NINETEEN BIRTHDAY to my babyucks, Noor Nazlia binti Zainal Abidin.
"Everything that you need to know, you knew. That's making you are among the most important person to me"

That's all for today. I suddenly feel hatred and stupid for still thinking you.
ahhhh, you are not important anymore to me meaning
Thursday, October 27
Day 4
Day 4 at Kuantan is a day for my girlfriend, long lost girlfriend.
hahaha tipu je, long lost unconnected girlfriend :)
I was waking up a bit earlier than usual but still kena nag dengan Ayah. Everything I did mesti kena komen, sabarlah ye :)
Then siap siap,terus out to meet her. Sorry lambat cause I've to wait for my dad yang nak masak dan makan dulu. As wish I can drive legally ! -_________-"
Then, meet at ECM -________-" Tahu tak apa itu ? Oh tu East Coast Mall. Tu je yang ada dekat Kuantan ni. meowmeowwwww :)
Haha I langkah kanan today, I didn't have my lunch nor breakfast at home, but what's for my lunch was Pizza. Thanks uncle and aunty for the treat.
If you're 18 and above, watch this so called boring-long-sexual-funny-love movie :)
okay, I don't deny it was too long and boring at time but it's not boring in term of boring, It's just like not suitable for movie at cinema, maybe movie at home will be fine, which I mean like homeboxoffice, HBO. The story line was cool and funny because Anna Farris always act like a dumb one :) with evans awww handsome okay :) I think I don't want to share the story line but I just promoted that this will be fun but watch with girls, because there too horny there in movie :)
Hey girls, whats your number ? me ? zerooooo !

Then I went for shopping ! seems like I didn't shop for long time. Long lah sangat, hehe :D Bought flat shoes, jeans and other things. ouchh I'm happy !
Oh, my mum balik esokkkkkk.
Hopefully she'll back here in Kuantan safely, okay Allah?
I can't wait to see what she had bought for me !
having fun with you and I bet that we didn't talk a lot just now ! When should we have the heart to heart talk ? Wanna meet you again ! A promise ! :)

p/s I ate a lot. Pizza,mash potato,pop corn, kfc and roti tampal mamak mari oh kari da kawkaw.Who cares ? :)
hahaha tipu je, long lost unconnected girlfriend :)
I was waking up a bit earlier than usual but still kena nag dengan Ayah. Everything I did mesti kena komen, sabarlah ye :)
Then siap siap,terus out to meet her. Sorry lambat cause I've to wait for my dad yang nak masak dan makan dulu. As wish I can drive legally ! -_________-"
Then, meet at ECM -________-" Tahu tak apa itu ? Oh tu East Coast Mall. Tu je yang ada dekat Kuantan ni. meowmeowwwww :)
Haha I langkah kanan today, I didn't have my lunch nor breakfast at home, but what's for my lunch was Pizza. Thanks uncle and aunty for the treat.
If you're 18 and above, watch this so called boring-long-sexual-funny-love movie :)
okay, I don't deny it was too long and boring at time but it's not boring in term of boring, It's just like not suitable for movie at cinema, maybe movie at home will be fine, which I mean like homeboxoffice, HBO. The story line was cool and funny because Anna Farris always act like a dumb one :) with evans awww handsome okay :) I think I don't want to share the story line but I just promoted that this will be fun but watch with girls, because there too horny there in movie :)
Hey girls, whats your number ? me ? zerooooo !

Then I went for shopping ! seems like I didn't shop for long time. Long lah sangat, hehe :D Bought flat shoes, jeans and other things. ouchh I'm happy !
Oh, my mum balik esokkkkkk.
Hopefully she'll back here in Kuantan safely, okay Allah?
I can't wait to see what she had bought for me !
having fun with you and I bet that we didn't talk a lot just now ! When should we have the heart to heart talk ? Wanna meet you again ! A promise ! :)

p/s I ate a lot. Pizza,mash potato,pop corn, kfc and roti tampal mamak mari oh kari da kawkaw.Who cares ? :)
Tuesday, October 25
Day 3
arghhhh, I heard that mumbled from my dad asking me to wake up !
At last, I woke up to get through this new day, Wait up. I checked my phone and all the messages lined up saying this and that, hah and what suprised me was someone was calling me and I did answered. What the hell could I said when I was already asleep ?
Just smiling away and had my zuhur.
Today my dad cooked :) without me helping him, thats why he was really nagging me up lalalala haha
Today was like my TV watching time. Pity the others, sorry today is my channels not yours :)
Since my mother was away for her holiday, hah wish she had the wonderful times there :)
it's so like my duty to do all the chores and laundry. Hahaha which I am too lazy at doing those things :)
Channel to channels sometimes making me boring haha. Enuff with that.
I need to plan my family's holiday to Penang ! Why on earth do I want to go to Penang ? It's a lil bit freaking out when I change my mum's plan where she wanted to go to Langkawi and I was saying why not if Penang ? and she agreed. -_________-"
Okay that's it for today blogie, I craving for Choc cake :)
At last, I woke up to get through this new day, Wait up. I checked my phone and all the messages lined up saying this and that, hah and what suprised me was someone was calling me and I did answered. What the hell could I said when I was already asleep ?
Just smiling away and had my zuhur.
Today my dad cooked :) without me helping him, thats why he was really nagging me up lalalala haha
Today was like my TV watching time. Pity the others, sorry today is my channels not yours :)
Since my mother was away for her holiday, hah wish she had the wonderful times there :)
it's so like my duty to do all the chores and laundry. Hahaha which I am too lazy at doing those things :)
Channel to channels sometimes making me boring haha. Enuff with that.
I need to plan my family's holiday to Penang ! Why on earth do I want to go to Penang ? It's a lil bit freaking out when I change my mum's plan where she wanted to go to Langkawi and I was saying why not if Penang ? and she agreed. -_________-"
Okay that's it for today blogie, I craving for Choc cake :)
Monday, October 24
Day 2
pleasant day at home :)
waking up and meet my lover then down to kitchen
and my dad asked me to cook !
I simply giving him the blur prffttt looks.
and then he decided to help me which mean we cook together :)
Nak tahu masak apa ?
"Nasi goreng asal sedap"
hahaha, main letak jelah anything we want :)
and then movie-ing "Syurga Cinta"
There're a lots of moral values in it. There are like ;
# Who said that people couldn't change even how bad they are, once the heart is open for them to accept Islam in the right way, they will change.
# How bad our parents are, don't blame them for making us bad too but find the best solution to heal the unproper living in the family.
# Love is the mighty feeling that we should feel, it is love to Allah, Nabi Muhammad, Parents, Family, Friend and man/woman :)
# Cinta bukan untuk dipermainkan dan dipersendakan tapi cinta perlulah ikhlas dan suci.
# Terdapat 3 jenis jodoh, haaa wanna know ?
Firstly, jodoh daripada Syaiton. This mean you know him, touch him and buat maksiat.
Secondly, jodoh daripada Jin. This is like Nasi kangkang :) you bomohkan dia semata - mata untuk memilikinya.
Thirdly, jodoh daripada Allah. This is where for the first time you see him, you feel right to your heart and know that he is. When he propose you, you accept and get married without doing any maksiat.
so, to have your syurga cinta makesure you are good enough to suite the good one :)
know the best jodoh you would have, Jodoh daripada Allah :)
" Lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik "
tepuk dada tanya lah sendiri
chow to do chores and laundry !
waking up and meet my lover then down to kitchen
and my dad asked me to cook !
I simply giving him the blur prffttt looks.
and then he decided to help me which mean we cook together :)
Nak tahu masak apa ?
"Nasi goreng asal sedap"
hahaha, main letak jelah anything we want :)
and then movie-ing "Syurga Cinta"
There're a lots of moral values in it. There are like ;
# Who said that people couldn't change even how bad they are, once the heart is open for them to accept Islam in the right way, they will change.
# How bad our parents are, don't blame them for making us bad too but find the best solution to heal the unproper living in the family.
# Love is the mighty feeling that we should feel, it is love to Allah, Nabi Muhammad, Parents, Family, Friend and man/woman :)
# Cinta bukan untuk dipermainkan dan dipersendakan tapi cinta perlulah ikhlas dan suci.
# Terdapat 3 jenis jodoh, haaa wanna know ?
Firstly, jodoh daripada Syaiton. This mean you know him, touch him and buat maksiat.
Secondly, jodoh daripada Jin. This is like Nasi kangkang :) you bomohkan dia semata - mata untuk memilikinya.
Thirdly, jodoh daripada Allah. This is where for the first time you see him, you feel right to your heart and know that he is. When he propose you, you accept and get married without doing any maksiat.
so, to have your syurga cinta makesure you are good enough to suite the good one :)
know the best jodoh you would have, Jodoh daripada Allah :)
" Lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik "
tepuk dada tanya lah sendiri
chow to do chores and laundry !
A week in Kuantan,
Day 1
"Morning world !"
I slept like 24 hours from yesterday because I'm too tired with those unplanned things which making me not sleeping for a day.
After waking up, feel energetic and active :)
I was cooking with my mom and having a pleasant evening by jogging alone,
I think hard and I did something that unexpected. Something I even don't believe I did it but it's a good thing to know the real situation and get over them as soon as possible. I don't even care that I cried hard yesterday because I really wanted to let them go away from my mind and heart and get a new wonderful life tomorrow.
I don't feel sad because of her while I think she's nice and better for him but what make me felt so sick was him. His attitudes. He's out of limits and I feel like hating him now. Okay, it's not because I can't have him anymore but it's because he wanted to keep me in the dark again, for second time. I'm tired. I'm not a wall and I have the heart. I'm hoping that she can change him and he'll be better so for the sake of it, I don't want to have any connection with him. Friend ? yeah always be but to be close friend, I don't think so. I don't give the third chances when you spoiled the second one. You have to know and learn how to appreciate and treat and don't play with the heart of mine because I simply don't like it. It's better to be honest than playing around just untuk menjaga hati ! Tahap kesabaran I ada limit. Now, it's off the limits and you're sucks and get away from my life and don't even come back !
you're simply heartless and sucks.
that's the end of our story, 10 years story.
I don't think that I am interested for having a new chapter of this story.
you, get lost !
and I'll be awesome while you're awful.
"Morning world !"
I slept like 24 hours from yesterday because I'm too tired with those unplanned things which making me not sleeping for a day.
After waking up, feel energetic and active :)
I was cooking with my mom and having a pleasant evening by jogging alone,
I think hard and I did something that unexpected. Something I even don't believe I did it but it's a good thing to know the real situation and get over them as soon as possible. I don't even care that I cried hard yesterday because I really wanted to let them go away from my mind and heart and get a new wonderful life tomorrow.
I don't feel sad because of her while I think she's nice and better for him but what make me felt so sick was him. His attitudes. He's out of limits and I feel like hating him now. Okay, it's not because I can't have him anymore but it's because he wanted to keep me in the dark again, for second time. I'm tired. I'm not a wall and I have the heart. I'm hoping that she can change him and he'll be better so for the sake of it, I don't want to have any connection with him. Friend ? yeah always be but to be close friend, I don't think so. I don't give the third chances when you spoiled the second one. You have to know and learn how to appreciate and treat and don't play with the heart of mine because I simply don't like it. It's better to be honest than playing around just untuk menjaga hati ! Tahap kesabaran I ada limit. Now, it's off the limits and you're sucks and get away from my life and don't even come back !
you're simply heartless and sucks.
that's the end of our story, 10 years story.
I don't think that I am interested for having a new chapter of this story.
you, get lost !
and I'll be awesome while you're awful.
Sunday, October 23
I need to be Mrs incredible :)
Assalamualaikum Bloggie,
oh ho, a week seems like a thousand things happened.Sometimes, life is like shopping in IKEA. you go up and down to left and right. When you walk around, you see a different sections on furniture are there.I know, in your mind you want those things that you like but instead it is either you have the money or not. If you have the money, you can get what you want but if you've no money, sorry to say. you going to watch em from far.
Same goes to ur life actually,having ups and downs everytime you're walking through your life. Sometimes they come at once.When you can't even have that smile, the sadness would come. It's like a circle of time, you think of doing good things or bad things. It's up to you. you'll have the same thing in reply. What goes around comes around, don't deny it. Money is a strength. You look good when having a money kan kan ? you don't look weak. :)
same like a strength where you really need a strength to survive in life. To smile, u need a strength and to be in sadness you really need a big strength. If not, you'll fall.
ohmygod, you know I've a tough week adding up the fabulous laughs and thoughts.
how come it comes at once like sudden.
He will go away from me
He. . :(
I cried like crazy man, The saddest things happened at once. Who could I leaned on ?
only me myself. em, Thanks to Nazlia. but it wasn't enuff to hold that.
reading this ? I just need you to pray that I'm always that strong. You don't need to know what I've get through.
You : you know how hard it could be to hear that thing? At first I think it will be okay and I'm getting stronger to hear that from you but sometimes, I have another thoughts that making me feel uncomfort and cry. I'm afraid to lose you and so you know, I can't see you anymore because it's hurting and I don't like it. You just go away, there's no a second third chances for you anymore. I love you in pain and I can't deal with this for a second time. I'm not a wall. I have a heart. Goodbye, calar balar.
You : you need to be strong. So do I. Get the strength for me :) you'll be fine. Don't think of worries but always think of Allah is so fair enuff to you. You'll be bless :)
oh ho, a week seems like a thousand things happened.Sometimes, life is like shopping in IKEA. you go up and down to left and right. When you walk around, you see a different sections on furniture are there.I know, in your mind you want those things that you like but instead it is either you have the money or not. If you have the money, you can get what you want but if you've no money, sorry to say. you going to watch em from far.
Same goes to ur life actually,having ups and downs everytime you're walking through your life. Sometimes they come at once.When you can't even have that smile, the sadness would come. It's like a circle of time, you think of doing good things or bad things. It's up to you. you'll have the same thing in reply. What goes around comes around, don't deny it. Money is a strength. You look good when having a money kan kan ? you don't look weak. :)
same like a strength where you really need a strength to survive in life. To smile, u need a strength and to be in sadness you really need a big strength. If not, you'll fall.
ohmygod, you know I've a tough week adding up the fabulous laughs and thoughts.
how come it comes at once like sudden.
He will go away from me
He. . :(
I cried like crazy man, The saddest things happened at once. Who could I leaned on ?
only me myself. em, Thanks to Nazlia. but it wasn't enuff to hold that.
reading this ? I just need you to pray that I'm always that strong. You don't need to know what I've get through.
You : you know how hard it could be to hear that thing? At first I think it will be okay and I'm getting stronger to hear that from you but sometimes, I have another thoughts that making me feel uncomfort and cry. I'm afraid to lose you and so you know, I can't see you anymore because it's hurting and I don't like it. You just go away, there's no a second third chances for you anymore. I love you in pain and I can't deal with this for a second time. I'm not a wall. I have a heart. Goodbye, calar balar.
You : you need to be strong. So do I. Get the strength for me :) you'll be fine. Don't think of worries but always think of Allah is so fair enuff to you. You'll be bless :)
Sunday, October 9
twinkle twinkle
I will fly home on 15 october 2011 baby,
A week more to go Kuala Lumpur !
eventually my last paper is on 11th but I need to stay for 3 days just to wait for my flight, WAIT FOR MY FLIGHT. You know how waste the time will be ?
but it's alright, everything comes with the reasons. with a reasons :)
I just need to clear up things in this messy room and packing .
What's on my mind when my footsteps just stepping out from the plane ?
saying Alhamdulillah to The Mighty that I have survive more than one year in Sarawak and are safely arriving in Kuala Lumpur,and I will hug the first person that I saw nanti, okay the first person itu bukannya orang asing :)
The I'll list down all the planning on what-to-eat-next, hell yeah I can't wait for that. hehe Then, I'll meet the important person esp my soul and we'll hang around because you need to use me as much as you can sebab your boyfriend is not around :)
Then having a dates with all the friends, if possible.
Next waiting to be home with family and Ma, as your balasan I need everything new from head to toe. I don't care !
I have more things in my mind. I mean moreeeeeeeee
I just want to do something more refreshing and new even meeting same people, I just want to do something new and I hope there will be no heart feeling again during the break, I want to be happy, as I hope, perhaps.
p/s : I miss you too much like I missed the old you, soul. You know, I cried while looking at your picture just now because I miss everything about you and you're always not here, okay I don't hope much :) k baiiiii
A week more to go Kuala Lumpur !
eventually my last paper is on 11th but I need to stay for 3 days just to wait for my flight, WAIT FOR MY FLIGHT. You know how waste the time will be ?
but it's alright, everything comes with the reasons. with a reasons :)
I just need to clear up things in this messy room and packing .
What's on my mind when my footsteps just stepping out from the plane ?
saying Alhamdulillah to The Mighty that I have survive more than one year in Sarawak and are safely arriving in Kuala Lumpur,and I will hug the first person that I saw nanti, okay the first person itu bukannya orang asing :)
The I'll list down all the planning on what-to-eat-next, hell yeah I can't wait for that. hehe Then, I'll meet the important person esp my soul and we'll hang around because you need to use me as much as you can sebab your boyfriend is not around :)
Then having a dates with all the friends, if possible.
Next waiting to be home with family and Ma, as your balasan I need everything new from head to toe. I don't care !
I have more things in my mind. I mean moreeeeeeeee
I just want to do something more refreshing and new even meeting same people, I just want to do something new and I hope there will be no heart feeling again during the break, I want to be happy, as I hope, perhaps.
p/s : I miss you too much like I missed the old you, soul. You know, I cried while looking at your picture just now because I miss everything about you and you're always not here, okay I don't hope much :) k baiiiii
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