Prinsipnya ialah kamu harus kuat.
Aku kena kuat sangat sangat tapi untuk hadapi puasa dan raya kali ni memang susah,walaupun tak terasa lagi sebab tak balik rumah lagi tapi kan I will automatically cry whenever I remember you, Wan Nik bin Wan Ibrahim .
I never being sad this way, I always think that what had happened was only a dream and when I come back home, you're still there. I never get that in my reality. I always feel like you're there at home waiting for me to come back from Sarawak. Maybe I don't bother you much before, that's just my habit to annoy to someone but you're really mean something to me. You're the person who love me more than anyone else. I lost the love I love the most now, I hope I can be strong having this becoming raya.Whenever I think of you, it feel like thinking from the first time I learned to know you until the last time I talked to you and saw you in those white clothes.
I remembered you'd always said to me, "Na belajar baikbaik sementara makayah ada, nanti dah takda susah".I miss the moment you need me more than anyone else.I can't tell much, now I know how those without their mama and papa feel whenever they think bout them.
I do understand how I miss you too much, grandpa.
since you're the one who are closest to me and you're the one who always back me up whenever everybody were angry at me.
Now,every tears I had because of you is my regret for not making you happy till end.
Thank you, Tokki.
you're the stronger man I ever met and the one that eager to do whatever he wanted to.
your scrifices and memories with me can't never be fade away but will always be keep in my mind and heart,Forever.