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it is not the issues, but see in many things, one of the suck-iest thing I'm failing is the love story. It's because of me who just feeling afraid to move on to the next chapter but please Beeha, the other half of you begging you badly to-move-to-the-next-chapter and stop thinking bout the perfectness, the future you plan to have. Just go with the flow.
First thing first is to say that I never felt that He was the first love now,
but I do miss him a load. I missed the way he treated me, the way we used to be.
but everything just gonna be a memories that the best friends should have.
Even now, the closest person is like the acquaintance. Sokay girl, it's your time.
okay, forget bout him. brahhhhh
Moving on, I always making the stupidest mistakes of letting a guy to love me and waiting for me like there's no hopes at all to get me. I used to make the guys as my best friends rather hook up to them as one special person. See, how arrogant I am ?
I hate this part of me. CRUEL-ism.
I made this not only at one guy, but more than that. Letting them in but not giving any chances for them to get me. Then when they get bored, they left and me ?
The problem might be 80 % came from me. Some kind, I'm too choosy. I just can't accept one that not-so-good on appearances and one who have totally different thoughts from mine. I'M FREAKING CHOOSING AND PERFECTIONIST AND I'M DIFFICULT.
and again, I hate this part of me, being too ego in this thing.
but now, I don't think of making the same mistakes over again and still stuck in the same level of this love thingy. I just need to be brave enough to face this by letting the heart to unlock for anyone who might-not-exactly-deserve it. but why not for the second time, let the heart choose and hurt. *It is simple to say but too hard to be done* hmmmp
so, the story begin . . .
I'm-letting-this-stubborn-heart-to-be-owned-by-anyone-who-can-grab-it !
but sorry to say, until my heart find out that you're the one, I wont be as loyal as you wish just what can make u secure is youcanputatrustonme !
So here is one guy that turns me differently in choosing him. Him, who is totally different from me from any aspects just making me to choose him because I believe that, somehow things should be learn form a different views. I've starting to love him to be by my side because it is good to have a partner to talk to. hmmp even it's not the best one but it is still new, why not give him a try ?
I asked him to be closer to me and try to know me as well as he could because I'm to tally bangang and if he thinks that me doesn't fit him, it's good to hear if he wanna leave. Okay, it is not that I'm easily put them away but I just don't want to waste anyone time and search for new one :)
So, dear Mr unlucky to love me,I put high hopes on you to change me to fall into you. As I wish that you could make me trust you more than I could now, may you be the ears that will not bored to hear me, may you successfully grab my heart and inject her with love.
Will you ? dare ?

. . . . to be continued