Wednesday, January 25

Don't come near me, Subhanallah.

Tulah padah dia kalau tidur sampai maghrib, dah lah ABC.


I just wanted to share the unbelievable half-dream and half-conscious's incident.
Clock shown 6pm when I was too sleepy after watching Merlin, I just wanted to lay down having a good time on bed but suddenly I was asleep like a baby. Normally, when you slept at this hours, you might dream on something weird and sometimes, scary.
but who cares, that was just dreams. "La la la la, sing a happy song . ." Okay, that's the alarm just exactly on 7PM. 7PM here was half an hour after maghrib. I dismissed the alarm and went to lay down again oh and switch on the light, for sure I will even I'm half dead. I fell asleep back.

At 8PM I guess, I was awake. yet mamaimamai.Hmm I can't barely moved. That's why I was fored to wake up. Then I just lay down on bed again.

8.03PM I guess, I was suddenly forced to sleep. I even didn't realized that either my eyes was opened or closed. I guessed it was opened. The voice was freaking near and it was SCARY. Subhanallah. "Auzubillahiminasshaitonirrajim". I started. "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" It was not just whispering in heart but I heard my voice out but it was hard. I can't moved. I heard the scary voice near me and when I told you my eyes was opened, it was because I looked at my right. The other bed. It seemed to have someone there shouting for help. Her voice was totally clear. But still, I can't move. I forced to move and as I remembered, I recited Azan. Then non-stop with Ayat Kursi for 2 times. 1 failed but the second one without fail. I tought of my mother, my late-grandfather and my death. I was like, it is time ? as I struggled, I can feel the left eye had her tear. I read Ayat kursi, one and a half of em,I feel loosen, I moved. The force that forcing me was loosen bit by bit. I opened my eyes, I woke up and I sat down and still continuing my Ayat Kursi till the end. I took a deep breath. Looked right and left and in front too. Took my phone, it was 8.08PM. I felt cold. Then I grabbed Mira's broadband and online my facebook. I saw my mum and told her everything.

but the incident is just fresh in mind, till now. I can't barely speak either that was a dream or half-dream incident. I'm not afraid because I know Allah is the Mighty. It was a test since I'm on the red flag now.
Subhanallah. This kind of thing might be simply happening to any girls but not that husking scary voices and that lady's scream.

Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah, I am okay now.