Hi My Fave Wall,
and Assalamualaikum if you're coincidentally reading this wall.
How are you, guys ?
Today I think it's time to merepek and confessing bout anything that comes to my mind right now.:) So, just take it as a lessons and pray for a better life of me and you,
First Scenario; The Changes I felt,
Nowadays, I can feel that I'm changing to be the most silence person in doing things, everyday. I talked but less. What I know are Studying, Finishing my assignments as early as possible, Eating while watching movies, Solah and praying, Talking with roommate but still less, Doesn't care bout my hand phones already, My phones' credit always like RM 0.00, Doesn't have intention to contact anyone except my mum, my brother and Nazlia, Too lazy in meeting, talking, on-the-phone or text-ing anyone,Eat once a day, Saving money, I could see my weaknesses clearly and being a little perfectionist in my life nowadays.
In one point, I think these changes are great and would be a best impact for me to achieve the best pointer this semester, 4.0 is what I'm dreaming for this semester. Insyaallah :) but seems like less communicating with those lovers in my life making me looks terribly sucks.
But dear friends,
it is not my intention to ignore you'olls. I MISS YOU GUYS THE MOST because here, I can't find friends like all of you. I'm hoping to have the species of friends like you guys, here but unfortunately, it's rare.
I still doesn't know what had happened to me ?
Maybe I'm missing my life there, or maybe it's time to be matured enough since I'm 20 years old, or maybe I doesn't have the perfect mates to talk bout everything here. Naah, I don't really care because I know whatever happens there lies a thousand meanings. :) I'm just fine only that I'm less talking here and there. Oh, maybe the other word could describe me now is, FOCUS :D sounds annoying? Naah, I don't care much. hehe
okay, done.
Second scenario; The same feeling, Forever.
I confessed to him that the feeling gonna be the same but the situation will totally be different :) Yes, you don't have to worry because I never learned how to hate people, only I knew is to stay loving the one we used to love because you're not losing anything nor having anything by doing that. :) I used to love him too much that making me hurt but it's not a big deal now and ever because I'm thankful to him for making me learned how to accept the faith sincerely and making me to be much more matured in the love stories. I miss those memories but yet I can't have it anymore with him but I will have a new one with the new person. Perhaps? :) Life is too short, so what for you are crying for the same person? Go die. Just let them be the history that you can never forget about and step forward to the new wide world that full of misery and loves :). I asked, please don't stop loving me the way you love me before even though you're in love with her now.
Third Scenario; Boyfriend is a must ?
Sometimes, it making me annoyed when people used to say
Hey you're too childish, but that's your opinions. For me, it seriously doesn't make you a loser because you're just too strong to step alone in this crazy world. But I don't deny that you would be a little lonely, but what the friends for, right ?
This is a big world, come on. Explore it. Explore it by your own. Meet various types of friends. The older or younger than you, boys or girls or even tomboys and gays. Explore the life while you still can to improve yourself, make yourself satisfy in everything you do, make the imperfectness of yourself to become perfection. :) Enjoy every little things first, dear girlfriends :D Don't stuck your young life with those irritating boys. Only then, you met someone you fall for, go for him. It's a bonus. :)
done here.
Fourth Scenario; You study once, You regret none.
Currently, I can see that people are getting lazy or pissed off in their study.
Come on ! Just have thoughts like this. You're studying for your unpredictable futures, but you can only have a student life once in your life which is Now. To have a great future, you need to study well. It is not what you're studying that would makes your future, but what you learned from 'em is the most important thing. Along with studying a subject, you could discover more and you will learn more bout life that getting ahead. Life is too simple. You've your hard works in the hard time, Allah will give you a thousand fortunes and livelihood.
So, what's the excuses you could made for not struggling till the end now ?
Everyone said, studying is boring except for Nerdy. Yes, I don't deny it but see in a different perception that it is you who make the studying boring. It is YOU. Only you know how to make studying fun and enjoyable. Only you knew the way you are.
Don't you be jealous looking at person who scores the best, who great in everything. Sincerely, I AM JEALOUS. I just wanna be like them, but in my own way.
You can play around now but don't be regret in future.
Just studying, it is much more easier than working.
You read, you understand, you practice and you write. It's simple.
Sometimes, working might using you brain more than you're studying. :)
Thus, learn and enjoy every single thing in students life in YOUR-OWN-WAY.
done here.
It think I might stop here, I just having mood to write but not too long.
It'll irritate you. Hehe :)
By then, Don't forget to make improvement in life.
"Sikit - sikit, Lama - lama jadi bukit"
Saturday, January 28
Friday, January 27
Abashtaaaaa ;')

It almost one year since I'm a Korean addicted.
Dulu : "Ish, sorrylah I tak layan korea korea ni. Apa je tah korang obsess sangat.Bukannya handsome pun. Sorry not-my-cup-of-tea !"
Kini : " Awwww, Ji Hoo ! Lee Shin ! Abashtaaaa sini Abashtaaa sana, Omigod kann best kalau dekat Malaysia ni ada macam korean? -__-" "
See how annoying I am !
Not to deny it, now I'm addicted to them which by mean addicted to their story lines and ehemehem, alaaa yang handsome and cool cool tuuu :) Tell you later, mihmih
I started with Sassy Girl which I kindly impressed to watch the movie since the story line, especially the love stories touched me. Awwww, the songs too. If I'm not mistaken, I watch em on TV. prfftttt. Then, when I stucked in here, oh Bintulu. Despite having time chit chating, wasting my saliva and also time. I'm completing my free time with watching korea. :)
and now I have a long lists of the movie I watched !
but, simply said. Only a few are remarkable and attracted me. :)
Here we are, The Best Korean Movie I ever Watched :
1. Sassy Girl, (obviously)

Briefly said; I cried a lot watching this movie even for 5th times. :')
Love from hate is just a great story in life, Whatever that it faith, it will happen.
2. Coffee Prince,

Here, I love when less female characters :) which is super duper cool. Oh, it is also a love from hating someone.:)
So, unpredictable.
3. Heartstring, You've Fallen for me ♥

I just finished watched this on December 2011 and I watched it again in January 2011 I found this in Yana's pendrive. Okayyy, I love this story the most because of ;
First, I love someone like Lee Shin.
Secondly is I love the story line (Mr Perfect-Miss Imperfect).
Thirdly, I falling in love with the songs and I-DOWNLOADED-IT.
Fourthly, as I watched the movie, I just imagining the love stories of mine.
4. My Girlfriend is Gumiho ♥

Abashtaaaaa! Back-to-back after done watching Heart string! too addicted with the movie especially the Heroin who is too cute for me, I learned some of korean words and practice it daily, LIKE WHAT THE HECK :D but this movie is toooo cute to handle. :) Yus introduced me to this movie. At first, I was like "Macam kartun je! seringala bagai" but when I started to watch, I just talking about it LIKE-EVERY-DAY. super annoying kannnnn? pssst, Gumiho is the wolf. aufffff
5. Playful Kiss ♥

Another ♥ ? currently watching this and I am at the LAST EPISODE. sobsob
But what is the best here is MY JI HOO or in this movie, SEOUNG JOO. :) hehe
Whatever it is, it was enjoying watching these cute creatures and Hope-to-have-the-life-like-that. Subhanallah, No no. I'm grateful here to have what I have :)
but He is too cool to catch my attention and I hate it because I've fallen for these two Hero of Korean. :)
Tadaaaa, Now presenting The Korean Hero of My Life. puihhhhhhh :D

Name : Kim Hyung Joong
Movie(s) addicted : Boys over flowers and Playful Kiss
Motives to be addicted :
1. His hair especially one with curly
2. His attitudes; He's too cool to handle himself,
3. The things that he did in the movies were awwwwwww ♥ speechless.
4. Handsome ? Perfect look. hehe
5. The smile melts me. Okayy enufff.

Name : Jung Yong Hwa
Movie addicted : Heartstring, You've Fallen for me
Motives to be addicted :
1. The cute smile, ouch melts.
2. The teeth, hehe
3. The voice and his songs. awwwww ♥
4. The way he talked, sangatsangat cool.
5. The hair, obviously lah
6. Handsome kannn? but not as my first darling tu. :)
Enuff dear Bee, hehe okayy well said. I'm just addicted only when I'm watching them not like crazy obsess-er :) Okayy, I knew the limits. Even in Islam. Whatever it takes, this is just for Dunia and for the afterworld, Our precious Prophet must be our role model that we are crazy obsessed for,5 times of solat please don't let it behind because of these korean-thingy and Al-quran have to be read as much as we watched the korean dramas. Balanced 'em !
Remember that dear Korean addicter ?
Wednesday, January 25
Don't come near me, Subhanallah.
Tulah padah dia kalau tidur sampai maghrib, dah lah ABC.
I just wanted to share the unbelievable half-dream and half-conscious's incident.
Clock shown 6pm when I was too sleepy after watching Merlin, I just wanted to lay down having a good time on bed but suddenly I was asleep like a baby. Normally, when you slept at this hours, you might dream on something weird and sometimes, scary.
but who cares, that was just dreams. "La la la la, sing a happy song . ." Okay, that's the alarm just exactly on 7PM. 7PM here was half an hour after maghrib. I dismissed the alarm and went to lay down again oh and switch on the light, for sure I will even I'm half dead. I fell asleep back.
At 8PM I guess, I was awake. yet mamaimamai.Hmm I can't barely moved. That's why I was fored to wake up. Then I just lay down on bed again.
8.03PM I guess, I was suddenly forced to sleep. I even didn't realized that either my eyes was opened or closed. I guessed it was opened. The voice was freaking near and it was SCARY. Subhanallah. "Auzubillahiminasshaitonirrajim". I started. "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" It was not just whispering in heart but I heard my voice out but it was hard. I can't moved. I heard the scary voice near me and when I told you my eyes was opened, it was because I looked at my right. The other bed. It seemed to have someone there shouting for help. Her voice was totally clear. But still, I can't move. I forced to move and as I remembered, I recited Azan. Then non-stop with Ayat Kursi for 2 times. 1 failed but the second one without fail. I tought of my mother, my late-grandfather and my death. I was like, it is time ? as I struggled, I can feel the left eye had her tear. I read Ayat kursi, one and a half of em,I feel loosen, I moved. The force that forcing me was loosen bit by bit. I opened my eyes, I woke up and I sat down and still continuing my Ayat Kursi till the end. I took a deep breath. Looked right and left and in front too. Took my phone, it was 8.08PM. I felt cold. Then I grabbed Mira's broadband and online my facebook. I saw my mum and told her everything.
but the incident is just fresh in mind, till now. I can't barely speak either that was a dream or half-dream incident. I'm not afraid because I know Allah is the Mighty. It was a test since I'm on the red flag now.
Subhanallah. This kind of thing might be simply happening to any girls but not that husking scary voices and that lady's scream.
Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah, I am okay now.
I just wanted to share the unbelievable half-dream and half-conscious's incident.
Clock shown 6pm when I was too sleepy after watching Merlin, I just wanted to lay down having a good time on bed but suddenly I was asleep like a baby. Normally, when you slept at this hours, you might dream on something weird and sometimes, scary.
but who cares, that was just dreams. "La la la la, sing a happy song . ." Okay, that's the alarm just exactly on 7PM. 7PM here was half an hour after maghrib. I dismissed the alarm and went to lay down again oh and switch on the light, for sure I will even I'm half dead. I fell asleep back.
At 8PM I guess, I was awake. yet mamaimamai.Hmm I can't barely moved. That's why I was fored to wake up. Then I just lay down on bed again.
8.03PM I guess, I was suddenly forced to sleep. I even didn't realized that either my eyes was opened or closed. I guessed it was opened. The voice was freaking near and it was SCARY. Subhanallah. "Auzubillahiminasshaitonirrajim". I started. "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" It was not just whispering in heart but I heard my voice out but it was hard. I can't moved. I heard the scary voice near me and when I told you my eyes was opened, it was because I looked at my right. The other bed. It seemed to have someone there shouting for help. Her voice was totally clear. But still, I can't move. I forced to move and as I remembered, I recited Azan. Then non-stop with Ayat Kursi for 2 times. 1 failed but the second one without fail. I tought of my mother, my late-grandfather and my death. I was like, it is time ? as I struggled, I can feel the left eye had her tear. I read Ayat kursi, one and a half of em,I feel loosen, I moved. The force that forcing me was loosen bit by bit. I opened my eyes, I woke up and I sat down and still continuing my Ayat Kursi till the end. I took a deep breath. Looked right and left and in front too. Took my phone, it was 8.08PM. I felt cold. Then I grabbed Mira's broadband and online my facebook. I saw my mum and told her everything.
but the incident is just fresh in mind, till now. I can't barely speak either that was a dream or half-dream incident. I'm not afraid because I know Allah is the Mighty. It was a test since I'm on the red flag now.
Subhanallah. This kind of thing might be simply happening to any girls but not that husking scary voices and that lady's scream.
Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah, I am okay now.
Saturday, January 21
Pick it off the petals.
At first, I have the heart not to go back. Reasons? seriously, without no reasons besides saving the money for more important things but going back is the most important thing to me NOW ! auuuffff,
I'd checked the tickets. Mas and Air Asia, the cheapest is around RM 300++, one way trip only. prrfff, but still have the heart to go back. Then suddenly, my mother called.
" Ma, nak balik boleh?"
hampa tak hampa bila dia cakap,
"Tak payahlah, seminggu je pun. Bulan 3 nanti balik"
I cried. A little tears because I feel lifeless to be here without cheers.
Everybody like going back, including my roomate. Some might going elsewhere.
I even don't have plans because I assumed that no planning should be done for this break.
Tapi, nothing is impossible. I'm strong enuff to survive here :)
Forget about going back and enjoy every little things here. Make something lifeless to become alive :) I'm keeping the miss and joy to be there at home until March,It's about 2 months and 9 days to go. Chill lah kannnnn ?
Ask me out, I'm delightfully will :)
I'd checked the tickets. Mas and Air Asia, the cheapest is around RM 300++, one way trip only. prrfff, but still have the heart to go back. Then suddenly, my mother called.
" Ma, nak balik boleh?"
hampa tak hampa bila dia cakap,
"Tak payahlah, seminggu je pun. Bulan 3 nanti balik"
I cried. A little tears because I feel lifeless to be here without cheers.
Everybody like going back, including my roomate. Some might going elsewhere.
I even don't have plans because I assumed that no planning should be done for this break.
Tapi, nothing is impossible. I'm strong enuff to survive here :)
Forget about going back and enjoy every little things here. Make something lifeless to become alive :) I'm keeping the miss and joy to be there at home until March,It's about 2 months and 9 days to go. Chill lah kannnnn ?
Ask me out, I'm delightfully will :)
Monday, January 9
Stealing Friends isn't exist.
Hello Wall with dots,
It's been a while since I last updated this wall because I have my other diary,
Noor Nazlia.And so, it is because of low connection of the internet here, never mind skip this.
There are too many TWO in 2012 which Imma 20th too.
and the dramas had started, I mean a whole new dramas.
Whatever happened in 2011. Let them just stay there. :)
The first drama currently happening in my life is seeing people who desperately seeking for the attention. This is the other way, new way I think. Damn, this type of people are too old-fashioned and should be vanished from my sight !
If you're seeking our attention only when you feel that you need us, GET AWAY ! Don't show your moodiness and that irritating face to us unlike we're doing a big mistakes to you and as if we're not one of your friends. Feel threatened ? There nothing to be threatened while we did nothing to u even to anyone else. We are a human being which only care about the small group of us. The loves one, Family and bestfriends. You? maybe. If you don't act like this anymore. If you really eager to label us as your threat. See, we'll be the most irritating fucking THREAT to you.
Hey old-minded people, We don't steal especially stealing friends. Oh wait, is the words stealing friend exist ? NOOB.
Okay, whatever reasons lie in this drama between YOU and US. Opps, mistake. It's YOU and YOURSELF. Go and solve them yourself. Don't make us feeling rubbish to have friend like you. CHANGE !
It's been a while since I last updated this wall because I have my other diary,
Noor Nazlia.And so, it is because of low connection of the internet here, never mind skip this.
There are too many TWO in 2012 which Imma 20th too.
and the dramas had started, I mean a whole new dramas.
Whatever happened in 2011. Let them just stay there. :)
The first drama currently happening in my life is seeing people who desperately seeking for the attention. This is the other way, new way I think. Damn, this type of people are too old-fashioned and should be vanished from my sight !
If you're seeking our attention only when you feel that you need us, GET AWAY ! Don't show your moodiness and that irritating face to us unlike we're doing a big mistakes to you and as if we're not one of your friends. Feel threatened ? There nothing to be threatened while we did nothing to u even to anyone else. We are a human being which only care about the small group of us. The loves one, Family and bestfriends. You? maybe. If you don't act like this anymore. If you really eager to label us as your threat. See, we'll be the most irritating fucking THREAT to you.
Hey old-minded people, We don't steal especially stealing friends. Oh wait, is the words stealing friend exist ? NOOB.
Okay, whatever reasons lie in this drama between YOU and US. Opps, mistake. It's YOU and YOURSELF. Go and solve them yourself. Don't make us feeling rubbish to have friend like you. CHANGE !
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